完成上一步后,我们需要创建一个脚本,我们就把它命名为“RollerAgent”,并将其挂载到我们的代理——小球身上,为了达到清楚说明的目的,我们一步一步说如何将这个脚本写出来。 1 首先请引用命名空间 using MLAgents; 1. 2 接着此类需要继承“Agent”此类为源码中自带,如下所示 using MLAgents; public class Roller...
GameObject fileGo = null; if (fileValue == null) { continue; } //如果是GameObject if (typeof(GameObject) == fileValue.GetType()) { fileGo = (fileValue as GameObject)?.gameObject; } //如果继承了Component组件 else if (typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(fileValue.GetType())) { var tem...
MyComponent[] Components = Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MyComponent)) as MyComponent[]; foreach (MyComponent Component in Components) { // ... } // Find GameObjects by tag GameObject[] GameObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MyTag"); foreach (GameObject GO in GameObjects) { ...
传送门: http://www.ceeger.com/Script/Editor/Editor.html 接下来开始制作的我们自己的 Inpector,对于自定义 Inpector 面板可参考下图的API: 传送门:http://www.ceeger.com/Script/EditorGUILayout/EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical.html 常用的自定义 Inspector 界面布局属性 现在,请你在 Editor 文件夹中创建一个...
DisallowMultipleComponent ->防止相同类型 or子类型的mono脚本多次添加相同物体 防止将相同类型(或子类型)的 MonoBehaviour 多次添加到 GameObject。 使用 效果,重复添加时会报错。 ExcludeFromObjectFactoryAttribute ->禁止objectfactory方法创建类 将此属性添加到某个类可防止使用ObjectFactory方法创建该类及其继承类。
// is a script component on a game object so you use // this.gameObject or just gameObject to destroy the object. Destroy(gameObject); } } 要記住的一點是,對於觸發器,沒有物理作用,它基本上只是一個通知。觸發器也不需要遊戲物件具備 Rigidbody 元件,或者說,因為不需要進行力計算。
The Configurator component instantiates the product that the Configurator Settings component references. If the Product exists in your scene, you can find it under the Product Spawn Point GameObject, which is under the Spawn Point GameObject in the Configurator GameObject hierarchy....
void Start() { HingeJoint hinge = otherGameObject.GetComponent<HingeJoint>(); // Perform null check to confirm a valid HingeJoint component was successfully returned. if (hinge != null) { hinge.useSpring = false; } } } Additional resources: Component, GameObject.GetComponents Declarationpubl...
[MenuItem("GameObject/Create Other/Explosion")] public static void CreateExplosion() { ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard(“Create explosion”); } (本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦) Opinion: Extending The Unity3D Editor Richard Fine ...
GameObject.DestroyImmediate(meshCollider,true); } //删除空的Animation组件 Animation[]animations=prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<Animation>(true); foreach(Animationanimationinanimations){ if(animation.clip==null){ GameObject.DestroyImmediate(animation,true); ...