报错原因:GetComponent操作应该在Unity的主线程内进行,最好的方式是在每一个Piece上面挂的piece脚本上挂一个meshrenderer component,避免在Update里面进行GetComponent操作,因为这样会产生较大的性能消耗。
using UnityEngine; public class GetComponentsExample :MonoBehaviour{ // Disable the spring on all HingeJoints in the referencedGameObject publicGameObjectobjectToCheck; void Start() {Component[] hingeJoints; hingeJoints = objectToCheck.GetComponents(typeof(HingeJoint)); ...
*/publicstaticGameObjectCreateGameObject(ColoredCubesVolumeData data,booladdRenderer,booladdCollider){// Create our main game object representing the volume.GameObject coloredCubesVolumeGameObject =newGameObject("Colored Cubes Volume");//Add the required volume component.ColoredCubesVolume coloredCubesVolume =...
componentOrGameObject The object to find the corresponding original object from. 戻り値 TObject The corresponding object from the original source or null. 説明 Retrieves the object of origin for the given object. For any object you pass to this method, Unity follows through the chain of...
在Unity中,如何获取一个GameObject对象的父对象?A.GetponentInParent()B.GetParent()C.FindParent()D.gameObject.transform.parent点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 第1题:治疗肝阳上亢型头痛可选()A.梁丘B.足三里C.曲泉D.太冲E.三阴交 答案解析与讨论:点击查看 第2题:膀胱湿热证一般不见()A.小便浑浊B.余沥...
unity SetSelectedGameObject有时候失效 unity set get 简单说一下属性和字段的区别:字段就是成员变量,而属性确实提供给外部访问内部成员变量的接口。之所以会有属性的出现,就是为了避免外部对类的成员的直接访问,通俗的说就是OOP中的封装思想。 using UnityEngine;...
You'll probably notice a few new things. One, there are no built-in Unity components attached, aside from theTransformcomponent (which isn't used). This prefab now represents a template that we will use to generate entities rather than aGa...
📅 最后修改于: 2022-03-11 14:48:43.536000 🧑 作者: Mango 如何在 C# 代码示例中发出哔哔声 C# 代码示例中的数组 代码示例5 Transform[]transforms=this.GetComponentsInChildren();foreach(Transformtintransforms){if(t.gameObject.name=="Child"){Debug.Log("Found "+t);}}...
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI;public class PlayerPrefsDeleteAllExample : MonoBehaviour { float m_Health; void Start() { //Fetch the PlayerPref settings SetText(); } void SetText() { //Fetch the health from the PlayerPrefs (set these Playerprefs elsewhere). If no float of this ...