publicComponentAddComponent(stringclassName); Description Adds a component of the specified class name to the GameObject. Deprecated: Use AddComponent(Type) or the generic version of this method instead. Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: ...
When you add a script which uses RequireComponent to a GameObject, the required component is automatically added to the GameObject. This is useful to avoid setup errors. For example a script might require that a Rigidbody is always added to the same GameObject. When you use RequireComponent, th...
Component.gameObject public GameObject gameObject ; 描述 此组件附加到的游戏对象。始终将组件附加到游戏对象。using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Example() { print(; } }
先声明一个public变量,然后将其他GameObject的相应的Component拖动到该变量处赋值 先找到该GameObject再获取Component GameObject gameObjectName=GameObject.Find(" ");ComponentType componentName=gameObjectName.GetComponent<ComponentType>(); 控制Component是否可用 // if componentName is a component got alreadycomponentName...
AddComponent的官方说明: GameObject.AddComponent Component?AddComponent(string?className); Description Adds a component class named?className?to the game object. Use this function to change behaviour of objects on the fly. You can also add script to game objects by passing in the name of the scri...
AddComponent的官方说明: GameObject.AddComponent ComponentAddComponent(stringclassName); Description Adds a component class namedclassNameto the game object. Use this function to change behaviour of objects on the fly. You can also add script to game objects by passing in the name of the script cla...
publicvoidHandleCustomProperties(UnityEngine.GameObject gameObject, IDictionary<string,string> props){if(props.ContainsKey("TargetDoor")) { gameObject.AddComponent<MurderMystery.DoorwayScript>(); gameObject.GetComponent<MurderMystery.DoorwayScript>().targetDoor = props["TargetDoor"]; ...
● New Scene——新建场景,即新建一个游戏场景,此场景里面只有一个主摄像机,可以根据需要在场景里添加相应的 GameObject(游戏对象),如图2-24所示。 ● Open Scene——打开场景,即打开以前所保存的场景。当单击菜单Open Scene,就会立刻弹出一个Load Scence对话框,选择所要打开的场景文件(后缀为Unity的文件),选中文...
// GameObject go = Resources.Load<GameObject>("UIroot"); // GameObject.Instantiate(go); var UIRootObj = new GameObject("UIRoot"); UIRootObj.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); UIRoot UIScript = UIRootObj.AddComponent<UIRoot>(); ...
GameObject-UML.png 对象的基本操作 要控制对象和对象森林(Hierarchy)的结构,我们要创建Script并将其挂载到对象上,然后在Script中改变GameObject的Component的属性(改变了Component的属性也就改变了GameObject!)。 获取在这个对象上的部件: voidStart(){ Rigidbody rb = GetComponent();// Add a force to the Rigidbo...