修正可能防止 Visual Studio 偵錯工具偵錯原生程式的註冊問題。 修正評估 UnityScript 和 Boo 運算式時可能發生的例外狀況。 已修正迴歸,其中變更 Unity 中的 .NET API 層級不會觸發專案檔的更新。 修正使用者程式碼無法參與記錄回呼處理常式的應用程式開發介面問題。1.0...
OnDisable This function is called when the scriptable object goes out of scope. OnEnable This function is called when the object is loaded. OnValidate Editor-only function that Unity calls when the script is loaded or a value changes in the Inspector. Reset Reset to default values.Did...
Use the Package Manager preferences to change the default cache location for the following packages:Packages installed from the Unity Registry Packages downloaded from the Asset StorePackage Manager on the Preferences window 属性功能 包 Set the cache location that determines where packages installed ...
You can add new ones or change the defaults. The Sensitivity field controls how fast Unity will go from 0 to 1 or -1. When the right arrow is pressed, the first frame might yield a value of .01 and then scale pretty quickly up to 1, although you can adjust the speed to give ...
Change the Scale to .25, .25, .25. This changes the scale of the cube to .5 meters on each axis. By default, the cube is a solid gray color. MRTK has shaders that you can use to change the cube's color (or material). In the Project window, enter MRTK_Standard_Charcoal int...
usingUnityEditor;publicclassImageImporter:AssetPostprocessor{publicvoidOnPreprocessTexture(){TextureImportertextureImporter=(TextureImporter)assetImporter;if(textureImporter==null)return;UnityEngine.Debug.Log("change image import setting");TextureImporterPlatformSettingssettings=newTextureImporterPlatformSettings();set...
[ImageEffectOpaque] void OnRenderImage (RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination){ } ImageEffectTransformsToLDR 渲染从从HDR变为LDR 具体使用方法不明。 MultilineAttribute 在string类型上使用,可以在Editor上输入多行文字。 public class TestString : MonoBehaviour { ...
using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput { public class Joystick : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IDragHandler { public Sprite[] sourceImage; private Image mobileJoystickImage; private ...
Fixed IResolvedStyle missing a definition for backgroundImage Changed No longer possible to change the Style Sheet on the PanelSettings inspector as the Runtime UI will not work without the default value for now. Debug access still available. Changed the blending equation to allow blending of the...
How to try this simplified toon-lit example shader in my URP project? Clone all .shader & .hlsl files into your URP project. Put these files inside the same folder. Change your character's material's shader to "SimpleURPToonLitExample(With Outline)" make sure at least _BaseMap(albedo) ...