See Nicolae Malancioiu's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore Nicolae Malancioiu's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment prof
The lyrical space of Ileana Malancioiu is populated by strange couples. The poetess is strongly attracted either by the dragon from the Romanian fairy tailes and the deterioreted scheleton of a Roman emperor or by the bearřs therapeutical step which brings to the women the ilusion of ...
Nicolae Malancioiu演员猫眼电影 > Nicolae Malancioiu Nicolae Malancioiu is an actor, known for Jachetele galbene (1979).TA的作品(1) 全部 Jachetele galbene 演员 饰:Printesa 1982-10-18(东德) © 猫眼电影 客服电话: 1010-5335 影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900 京...
In Ileana Malancioiu' memories of her childhood, the picturesqueness fades in front of a severe dramatic nature. Her poems drawn upon the life in her native village reveal a lyrical archetypal fund, not a monographic landscape like in Cosbuc or Goga's poems. The poetess who formely used ...
無相的作品 絕世神瞳/共1931 章/2019-01-14 16:23 我和美女院長/共1674 章/2017-07-08 20:36 攀上漂亮女院長/共1228 章/2017-04-24 05:03 九眼天醫/共1911 章/2023-08-15 18:28 我和美女院長/共1536 章/2019-09-18 08:56 檢視全部作品 ...
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之前看到过一个段子,问“你减肥的真正目的是什么”,有三个选项:长寿,保持健康,艳压群芳。虽然不想承认,但是不得不说,最后一个选项可能是大部分人减肥的真实目的。如... 肚子越大,脑子越傻?柳叶刀子刊:内脏脂肪每增加0.27kg,认知年龄衰退0.7岁!但有2个方法可以改善... 3211人...
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