病人女性,35岁.反复浮肿3年.BP21/13kPa.Hb80g/L.尿蛋白++,镜检RBC2~4/Hp,BuN10mmol/L。哪种疾病可能性大( )A慢性肾盂肾炎B隐匿性肾炎C慢性肾炎D肾病综合征E高血压肾小动脉硬化该问题分值: 2.08 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 答案:C 反馈 收藏 ...
New credit card program, The bp rewards Visa® Credit Card bp has selected First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO®) to provide a new credit card program as part of an ongoing effort to offer cardholders more value and benefits. Please refer to communications from FNBO for updated informatio...
21,42222,00230,61321,42230,613 Return on average capital employed (ROACE)* (%)30.5%13.3% Adjusted earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortization (adjusted EBITDA)*60,74737,315 Adjusted earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization (adjusted EBIDA)*45,69530,783 ...
概述BP2519 是一款高精度恒压恒流控制芯片。适用于 85Vac~265Vac 全范围输入电压的非隔离电源。 BP2519 芯片采用独有的电压电流控制技术,不需 要环路补偿电容,即可实现优异的恒压恒流特性, 极大的节约了系统成本和体积。 BP2519 芯片采用 PWM/PFM 多模式控制技术,能有 效降低系统待机功耗,提高效率和动态性能,并...
施迈赛 BP 21N 库伯瑞 触发磁铁 151057536 磁开关 可搭配传感器 南京库伯瑞机电有限公司 2年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 江苏 南京市江宁区 ¥100.00 成交23个 BP21N德国施迈赛SCHMERSAL磁簧开关用磁铁操动件 北京中科霖丰科技有限公司 13年 回头率: 0% 北京市丰台区 ¥80.00 成交3个 BP ...
(±260 years). While the transition to early Holocene wetness in the Cariaco record was mostly complete by ~10,300 yr BP and coincident with the peak in July 21 insolation, the transition in Guatemala did not reach completion until ~9000 yr BP. Rainfall then decreases abruptly at ~...
Our purpose is reimagining energy for people and our planet. We want to help the world reach net zero and improve people’s lives. We want to be an energy company with purpose; one that is trusted by society, valued by shareholders and motivating for eve
BP= business partner,指业务伙伴 HR=human resources,指人力资源 HRBP就是人力资源服务经理。主要工作内容是负责公司的人力资源管理政策体系、制度规范在各业务单元的推行落实,协助业务单元完善人力资源管理工作,并发展业务单元各级干部的人力资源管理能力。HR BP即“人力资源合作伙伴”: 在企业战略的发展...
This clinical investigation was conducted in compliance with the European Directive 93/42/EEC on medical devices21, with international standards ISO 14,155:2011 and the Declaration of Helsinki. The protocol was designed in accordance with the AAMI/ESH/ISO consensus for the validation of BP ...