资源简介 最新版Find Reference插件一个用来查找资源引用和依赖的插件,通过缓存来保存资源间的引用信息,通过树状结构直观的展示 2. Remove all unused assets how? 上一篇:fonts-sas.zip 下一篇:NetDemo.unitypackage 挑错 打印 评论 共有 条评论 相关资源...
1.点选 TEDTool/Find Reference Window 2.开启页面 3.拖拉想要查询的资源到 Resource Object 目前的功能有 Find All References:搜寻所有相关资源 Find Prefab References:搜寻相关 Prefab 资源 (.prefab) Find Material References:搜寻相关 Material 资源 (.mat) Find Texture References:搜寻相关 Texture 资源 (.pn...
[MenuItem("GameObject/FindReference", false, 30)] public static void FindReferenced() { //Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll()方法找到的物体不仅包括 Hierarchy窗口,也包括Project窗口里的预制体。接下来会过滤掉预制体 var objs = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Transform)); GameObject selectedGo = S...
查找引用2 2.5.2 (Find Reference 2 2.5.2 ) 资源编号 :72352403 格式:unity3d 文件体积 :1m 下载量 :19 MT不是猫 相关主题 :findreference2 爱给网提供海量的Unity3D模型资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为unity3d 格式的查找引用2 2.5.2 (Find Reference 2 2.5.2 ), 本站编号72352403, 该Unity3D模型素材大...
Can't find asset usage if they are used in Timeline 3 years ago marchall_boxon previous version 2.5.2 Hello, Don't get me wrong. FR2 is a really great asset. However, I was told by the developer that it can not track asset usage in Timeline. I've emailed the developer to ask ...
工作多年,好像才发现这个神作 实在好用的插件,底层架构也好,各方面都是一流的水平 当然,实力说话,好作品总会流传比较广(提倡原创,但大家都用的工具,照跟着用不会错很多,也能避免偏差) FindReference2就是这样一个好的插件,好作品 以下简称FR2 导出CSV 不是真的导出,而只是复制到粘贴板,如图: 点了右上‘星号...
var window = GetWindow<SimpleFindRefTool>(); window.titleContent = new GUIContent("查找资源引用"); window.目录 = $"{Application.dataPath}/多线程加速资源查找/资源"; window.Show(); } #region 布局 [Sirenix.OdinInspector.ReadOnly] public string...
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an objectWaterEffect.OnTriggerEnter (UnityEngine.Collider other) (at Assets/WaterEffect.js:6)刚接触U3D ,提示是空值,不知道这个是怎么处理的,JS写的,代码如下:function OnTriggerEnter(other:Collider){if(other.gameObject.tag=="Player"){Ga...
To add new Assets, increase the value of theSizeproperty and then set a reference to the Asset to load in the newElementbox that appears. Strip Engine CodeEnable this option if you want the Unity Linker tool to remove code for Unity Engine features that your Project doesn’t use. This ...
Functions can have multiple signatures (name of the method and the type and kind (value, reference, or output) of each of its formal parameters, similar to C#) and can supportoptional(parameters that don’t need to be passed to the function) andvariadic(parameters that can take a variable...