FindReference.instance.dict = dic;//string[] path = new string[1];//path[0] = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeObject.GetInstanceID());//string[] names = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(path); //依赖的东东//foreach (string name in names)//{// Debug.Log("Name:"+name);//}...
1. 在菜单栏中点击“File”选项,然后选择“New Scene”。 2. 在弹出的对话框中输入场景名称,然后点击“Create”按钮。 3. 在新的场景中,你可以使用工具栏中的工具创建和编辑对象。 五、创建游戏对象 1. 在层级视图中点击右键,选择“3D Object”或“2D Object”选项(取决于你的项目类型),然后选择你想要创建的...
EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(FindnoxssRefxsstagxsstag/span>)); } 这段代码会在菜单中添加一个名为“Find All Reference”的菜单项。选中菜单项会打开一个FindnoxssRef窗口实例。当然此时窗口中没有任何内容。xsstagxsstag/p> 2,窗口基本显示逻辑: voidOnGUI() { if(Selection.activeObject==null) { GUILa...
publicstaticvoidFindRefWithGameObject<T>(GameObject obj)whereT : Object {varcoms = obj.GetComponentsInChildren<Component>();foreach(varcomincoms) {varso =newSerializedObject(com); FindRef<T>(so); } } 很简单,找到一个GameObject物体下的所有组件,转为SerializedObject,然后用之前的函数,把每一个组件...
OnEnableThis function is called when the object is loaded. OnValidateEditor-only function that Unity calls when the script is loaded or a value changes in the Inspector. ResetReset to default values. Inherited Members Properties hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifi...
You can’t drag a texture into your scene; a texture must be applied to an object. This way isn’t much fun to create 2D games. I want to just drag and drop an image and have it appear in my scene. If your default behavior mode is 2D, though, things get easy. When I drag ...
Scene: The currently open scene. Hierarchy: All the game objects in the scene. Note the use of the term GameObjects and the GameObjects dropdown menu. Inspector: The components (properties) of the selected object in the scene. Toolbar: To the far left are Pan, Move, Rotate...
在 Unity 中捕获鼠标点击的最简单方法是将OnMouseDown() 和OnMouseUp()方法添加到BrowserScript:// Get the current mouse point in browser coordinates.private Point GetMousePoint(){ // Ensure the main camera exists on the scene. if (Camera.main != null) { // Create a ray from the...
Scene View使用Scene View 偏好设置自定义对象在编辑时的放置和可见性。Preferences 窗口中的 Scene View 范围 属性功能 Create Objects at Origin 启用以在原点创建新对象(与 Scene 轴心相反)。默认禁用。 Create Objects with Constrained Proportions Enable to define the default behavior for Scale in the ...
Select the Main Camera (double-click it in the Hierarchy View if you don’t see it in the Scene View) and click on the Move Tool. You should see a gizmo around the Main Camera with arrows representing the three axes. These point to where you can move the object: ...