歌手与专辑 歌手BEATDEALERS LLC 歌手Chuck Irvin 歌手YK Benz 专辑TRAP SEQUENCE (BEATPACK) [Explicit] 推荐视频 前往下载QQ音乐 应用名称:QQ音乐|开发者:深圳腾讯计算机系统有限公司 版本号14.1.0|隐私政策|服务协议|产品功能|应用权限 播放队列(1首) TRAP SEQ BEAT IV (feat. CHUCK IRVIN & YK BENZ) ...
Case series: TRAP sequence. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2009;19(1):81-83.Chandramouly MN. Case series: TRAP sequence. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2009;19:81-83.Chandramouly M, Namitha (2009) Case series: TRAP sequence. Indian J Radiol Imaging 19(1):81–83...
双胎反向血流灌注综合症或无心胎(TRAP):TRAP又称无心畸胎序列征(acardiac twins sequence),是单绒毛膜性双胎的独特并发症。TRAPS在单绒毛膜性双胎妊娠中的发生率为1%。正常胎儿被称为泵血儿,无心胎的循环需要依赖于正常胎儿,超声检查未见异常胎儿的心脏显示,但胎体内可见血液流动,异常胎儿的脐带为单脐动脉,即入胎...
TRAP sequence に対する胎児治療の有用性(胎児新生児III, 第57回日本産科婦人科学会学術講演会) 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 20 作者: 腰塚,加奈子,金井,雄二,鴨下,詠美,望月,純子,天野,完 年份: 2005 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 Semantic Scholar ...
However, there has been no reports on 3D HDlive rendering displays of the TRAP sequence in the first trimester of pregnancy. There have bee ... 展开 关键词: 3D ultrasound HDlive TRAP sequence Acardiac twin First trimester Reverse end-diastolic umbilical artery velocity ...
TRAP(Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence,TRAPs)是单绒毛膜双胎的并发症,什么是单绒毛膜双胎请参考什么是绒毛膜性这篇文章。在所有妊娠的发生率约为1/20000-35000,因为胎盘血管的吻合导致出现不正常的灌注(具体的病理生理在科普中不做展开),导致其中一胎身体下部...
(604),duplicateInformation (605),informationMissing (606),informationModificationDetected (607),informationOutOfSequence (608),keyExpired (609),nonRepudiationFailure (610),outOfHoursActivity (611),outOfService (612),proceduralError (613),unauthorizedAccessAttempt (614),unexpectedInformation (615),other ...
Description:TRAP-6 (2-6)是凝血酶受体激活肽-6的片段多肽,保留了序列中的五个氨基酸,并且具备较强的生物学活性。 TRAP-6 (2-6) is a fragment peptide of thrombin receptor activating peptide-6, retaining five amino acids in the sequence and possessing strong biological activity. Purity (HPLC) ≥98....
If the error occurred after the installation of a new or updated device driver, remove or replace the driver. If, under this circumstance, the error occurs during the startup sequence, use Safe Mode to rename or delete the faulty driver. If the driver is used as part of the system start...