TRAP (twin reversed arterial perfusion) sequence / acardiac twinning is a rare anomaly that occurs in monozygotic monochorionic twins with an incidence of 1% and in 1 in 35,000 pregnancies overall. The anomalous twin appears as a heterogeneous mass, simulating a teratoma or intrauterine fetal ...
双胎反向血流灌注综合症或无心胎(TRAP):TRAP又称无心畸胎序列征(acardiac twins sequence),是单绒毛膜性双胎的独特并发症。TRAPS在单绒毛膜性双胎妊娠中的发生率为1%。正常胎儿被称为泵血儿,无心胎的循环需要依赖于正常胎儿,超声检查未见异常胎儿的心脏显示,但胎体内可见血液流动,异常胎儿的脐带为单脐动脉,即入胎...
A 21-year survey.###A case of TRAP sequence with immense acardiac twin.###["Born in Brazil"].###"Geboren in Brasilien"..###Why all the fuss about twins?###[Differences in cesarean sections between spontaneous and induced labour].###Diferencias en el número de cesáreas en los par...
They jump ahead to the next sequence where Ortega and Armisen reveal their celebrity crushes — Shawn Mendes for Ortega, Lisa Rinna for Armisen's Raymond. Frustrated, the director has them move on to film the scene where they combine the ripped photo of their parents, and realize they are ...
This 1998 romantic comedy mostly bores with its cumbersome exposition and close-ups of trivial objects scattered throughout lackluster montage sequences. By Lisa Alspector FULL REVIEW 10 FabioCarneiro Jan 17, 2019 I absolutely love this movie! It has a nice story, an incredible soundtrack. Lindsa...
These Ca2+-dependent enzymes share a 70–95% degree of sequence homology [12]. Conversely, each of the enzymes has a slightly different tissue expression pattern [13]. PAD4 was believed to be the only enzyme of the family with a nuclear localization domain, being able to cross from the ...
Considering that the sequence follows one in which Craig and Trevor vigorously consummate their own newly discovered attraction to each other, the song targets sanctimonious right-wing finger-pointers while keeping its tongue firmly in its cheek. With two dozen other songs pe...
So, we are compelled to cooperate, to avoid sequences of events that could lead to that result, and to avoid letting unconstrained greenhouse gas emissions create a globe that we can't live or breathe in. So, how to do these two things at the same time? And how to explain this in ...
Quickly discovering and exploring sequencers, synthesizers and samplers they began ... Read more... Chords Drum and Bass Mix Drum and Bass mix by Chords from Ram Records 11 years ago Ram Record's second singing of 2013 is Chords. The talented young producer has risen through the ranks ...
无心畸胎序列征:又称双胎反向动脉灌注序列征(twins reversed arterial perfusion sequence,TRAP),有多种名称,包括无头畸形(acephalus),无头无心畸胎(acephalusacardius),无心寄生胎畸胎(holoacar-dius)等。其发生率在所有妊娠中约为1/35000,在单卵双胎中约为1%。无心畸胎序列征是一种严重畸形,表现为一胎发育正常...