Single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) has emerged as a powerful approach to interrogating the underlying transcriptional landscape of the cellularly-complex human brain. SnRNA-seq has been used to study AD in different cohorts and brain regions, including the entorhinal cortex15, temporal neocorte...
To characterize the transcriptional profile of myonuclei within myofibers, we developed single nucleus RNA-seq (snRNA-seq) experiments using a droplet-based platform on purified nuclei from different skeletal muscles of adult mice (Fig.1aand Supplementary Fig.1a–d). By using Seurat software25and U...
Single-cell RNA-seq reveals the role of pathogenic cell populations in development and progression of chronic diseases. In order to expand our knowledge on cellular heterogeneity, we have developed a single-nucleus RNA-seq2 method tailored for the comprehensive analysis of the nuclear transcriptome fr...
单细胞核转录组测序(singlecellnuclearRNASequencing)对样品有什么要求呢? 单细胞核转录组测序(singlecellnuclearRNASequencing)可以测试具体哪些项呀? 单细胞核转录组测序(singlecellnuclearRNASequencing)具备哪些检测资质呢? 单细胞核转录组测序(singlecellnuclearRNASequencing)如何收费呀? 单细胞核转录组测序(singlecellnuc...
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) provides valuable insights into human islet cell types and their corresponding stable gene expression profiles. However, this approach requires cell dissociation that complicates its utility in vivo. On the other ha
expression. Through extensive comparisons of nuclear and cellular transcriptomes, we demonstrated that nuclei can substitute for whole cells in most RNA-seq applications 13 . For the majority of genes, nuclei yielded expression signatures that were very similar to those ...
Single nucleus RNASeq (snRNASeq) has addressed these deficiencies in other tissues, but no protocol exists for lung. We present a snRNASeq protocol and compare its results with scRNA-seq. Two nuclear suspensions were prepared in lysis buffer on ice while one cell suspension was generated using...
To evaluate the biological significance of the nuclear transcriptomes obtained from the sNucRNA-seq data, we performed correlation analyses between bulk RNA-seq from intact whole roots and from protoplast suspensions and pseudo-bulk RNA-seq from root protoplasts and nuclei that were processed through ...
Series of sci-RNA-seq, SPLiT-seq and sci-Plex Instead of isolating single cells within physical compartments, single-cell combinational indexing RNA sequencing (sci-RNA-seq) in 2017 was successively developed using a two-step combinatorial indexing strategy, a method using split-pool barcoding of ...
impeded snDrop-seq success on kidney nuclei (Supplementary Fig.1a). Therefore, both fresh dissociated and frozen cryosectioned kidney tissues retained sufficient nuclear RNA levels for snDrop-seq assays. We achieved further improvement in cryosectioned tissue quality through preservation in RNAlater ...