[11] L. J. Stevens et al., Mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase confer resistance to remdesivir by distinct mechanisms.Sci. Transl. Med.14, eabo0718 (2022). [12] S. Gandhi et al., De novo emergence of...
PLpro 是主蛋白酶外另一个由SARS-CoV-2编码的半胱氨酸蛋白酶。PLpro能够切断病毒非结构多蛋白 (Nsps),对病毒复制起到至关重要的作用【16】。此外,PLpro还能通过裂解宿主蛋白的泛素和修饰干扰素刺激基因15 (ISG 15) 从而抑制宿主免疫反应【17-19】。PLpro在SARS-CoV-2突变株中高度保守,使其成为备受关注的抗病...
This supports the notion that G4 formation stimulates and influences mutation rates in different cancers.The S2 subunit of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein interacts with tumor suppressor proteins p53 and breast cancer 1/2 (BRCA1/2) in silicoUsing bioinformatics (in silico) analyses, Singh and ...
为了估计SARS-CoV-2下一步如何可能自我转化,这些作者根据这种病毒的化学和物理结构的线索,寻找在免疫力低下的人和全球病毒序列数据库中发现的罕见突变。在使用非传染性病毒样颗粒的实验室研究中,他们发现了多种复合突变(complex mutation)的组合,这些突变将使这种病毒感染人体细胞,同时减少中和抗体的保护能力。 这些作者...
[10] Nelson, Gard et al. “Molecular dynamic simulation reveals E484K mutation enhances spike RBD-ACE2 affinity and the combination of E484K, K417N and N501Y mutations (501Y.V2 variant) induces conformational change greater than N501Y mutant alone, potentially resulting in an escape mutant.” ...
The mutation rate is the value at which the base pair or a larger region of DNA changes are made during the genome replication. Understanding the rate of mutation is of fundamental importance because the rate of mutations has explained the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants and their establi...
Several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found in first-passaged viruses have also been identified as selected mutation sites in serially passaged viruses. Considering the consistent mutations found between serially passaged SARS-CoV-2 and natural variants, there may be host-specific selective ...
9. SaitoA, Nasser H, Uriu K, Kosugi Y, Irie T, Shirakawa K, et al. SARS-CoV-2spike P681R mutation enhances and accelerates viral fusion. bioRxiv.2021:2021.06.17.448820. doi: 10.1101/2021.06.17.448820. 10. WallEC, Wu M, Harvey R, Kelly G, Warchal S, Sawyer C, et al. Neutralisi...
In the first swab sample, whole genome sequencing did not detect any spike mutations in the investigated strain compared to the reference genome. The first spike variants appeared as E484K on day 133 as a heterozygotic mutation in 41.3% of the targeted reads. On day 136 the proportion of E4...
2.1 体细胞突变(somatic mutation) 2.2 RBD抗体的分类 3. Methods 4. Results 5. Discussion 1. Author Paul D. Bieniasz Paul Bieniasz试图探寻宿主基因和途径如何影响逆转录病毒的复制,比如HIV-1。Bieniasz和他的团队主要关注人类和灵长类免疫缺陷病毒,致力于确定病毒基因和蛋白质的功能,并表征逆转录病毒模拟和...