如果相机具有识别功能,相机可以选择发布两个附加话题: 带有vision_msgs/Detection2DArray 消息的第三个话题,其中包含检测到的对象列表。该话题的名称是 /recognitions,前面是主要话题的名称。 带有自定义 WbCameraRecognitionObjects 消息的第三个话题。该话题的名称是 /recognitions/webots,前面是主要话题的名称。 自定义 ...
这里使用了tf2_ros::MessageFilter来处理障碍物观测数据。主要是因为tf2_ros::MessageFilter可以保证只有在传感器的fram和global_fram的tf关系有效的情况下再执行数据的回调函数。在障碍物数据叠加到costmap层的过程中需要将障碍物数据转换到全局坐标系下。所以需要保证其tf转换是有效的才进行数据处理。 std::shared_ptr<...
Thus only Detection2DArray messages are published on topic /detected_objects. 3D raw pointcloud dump To save raw LIDAR data, export the following: export MAP_SAVE=True export MAP_NAME="3d_map" Every 10 seconds, pointcloud data (in .ply format) will be saved to the root folder of the ...
The results of the detection are published asDetection2DArraymessages. Open a new terminal and source it. Run:ros2 topic echo trt_detection This will now create a node which carries out faster object detection which is clear from theinference timeand is displayed on the terminal as well. ...
Open a new MATLAB session and create a custom message folder in a local folder. folderPath = fullfile(pwd,"custom"); copyfile("example_*_msgs",folderPath); Specify the folder path for custom message files and useros2genmsgto create custom messages. ...
ans = struct with fields:MessageType: ‘geometry_msgs/Vector3’X:-0.0358Y:-0.0078Z:0.0416 这些消息字段的每个值实际上都是一条消息。它们的消息类型是geometry_msgs/Vector3。 geometry_msgs/Twist是由两条 geometry_msgs/Vector3消息组成的复合消息。
2. CustomTopic Message Compilation 3. ROSTopics Mini Project Unit 5: ROSServices - part 1 1. Topics- Services - Actions 2. ServicesIntroduction 3. How tocall a ROS Service 4. Exercises Unit 6: ROSServices - part 2 1. How togive a Service 2. How tocreate your own service message 3...
这里要使用Gazebo的vector2d,因此必须导入和包含该消息(会在CMakeLists.txt文件中指定该消息的位置)。 import "vector2d.proto"; 该消息的实际构造代码如下: message CollisionMapRequest { } 用下面的模板代码或语法来声明消息的每个字段: ["optional"/"required"] [field type] [field name] = [enum];...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(nav2_costmap_2d) 接下来,查找系统中的依赖项。另外在构建库或执行文件时需要添加这些依赖项。 find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED) find_package(geometry_msgs REQUIRED) find_package(laser_geometry REQUIRED) find_package(map_msgs REQUIRED) find_package(message_...