2.Pisignano G, Ladomery M. Epigenetic regulation of alternative splicing: how lncRNAs tailor the message. Noncoding RNA 7, 21 (2021). 3.BernardD, Prasanth KV, Tripathi V, et al. A long nuclear-retained non-coding RNA regulates synaptogenesis by modulating gene expression. EMBO J. 29, ...
It involves in pre-mRNA splicing and the regulation of alternative splicing events. PTBP1 promotes RNA looping when bound to two separate polypyrimidine tracts in the same pre-mRNA, and promotes the binding of U2 snRNP to pre-mRNA. Besides, it can cooperate with RAVER1 to modulate switching ...
It involves in pre-mRNA splicing and the regulation of alternative splicing events. PTBP1 promotes RNA looping when bound to two separate polypyrimidine tracts in the same pre-mRNA, and promotes the binding of U2 snRNP to pre-mRNA. Besides, it can cooperate with RAVER1 to modulate switching ...
we investigated whether introducing this mammalian-specific AS event in a nonmammalian context is sufficient to alter regulation of PTBP1 target exons.【跳过exon9会降低PTBP1的活性,接下来要探究在非哺乳类里面的反应】
Entrez Gene ID:(Human) 5725 功能 nucleotide bindingRNA bindingprotein bindingpoly-pyrimidine tract bindingpre-mRNA bindingpoly(A) RNA binding 参与通路 regulation of alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosomemRNA splicing, via spliceosomemRNA processingRNA splicingfibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pa...
2. Pisignano G, Ladomery M. Epigenetic regulation of alternative splicing: how lncRNAs tailor the message.Noncoding RNA7, 21 (2021). 3. Bernard D, Prasanth KV, Tripathi V, et al. A long nuclear-retained non-co...
[2] Spellman R, Llorian M, Smith CW. Crossregulation and functional redundancy between the splicing regulator PTB and its paralogs nPTB and ROD1[J]. Mol Cell, 2007, 27(3): 420-434. DOI:10.1016/j.molcel.2007.06.016 [3] Kim W, Shin J...
PTBP1 crotonylation promotes colorectal cancer progression through alternative splicing-mediated upregulation of the PKM2 gene Jia-Yi Hou, Xiao-Ling Wang, Hai-Jiao Chang, Xi-Xing Wang, Shu-Lan Hao, Yu Gao, Gang Li, Li-Juan Gao, Fu-Peng Zhang, Zhi-Jie Wang, Jian-Yun Shi,...
and local trafficking to maturation and translation in the nucleus [11,12,13]. Thus, PTBP1 shapes the pattern and complexity of gene expression (e.g., pyruvate kinase) in development biology, particularly in embryonic stem cells [14]. Nevertheless, the role of PTBP1 in GC and GCSCs has ...
It involves in pre-mRNA splicing and the regulation of alternative splicing events. PTBP1 promotes RNA looping when bound to two separate polypyrimidine tracts in the same pre-mRNA, and promotes the binding of U2 snRNP to pre-mRNA. Besides, it can cooperate with RAVER1 to modulate switching ...