引用Philip J. Santangelo(Georgia Institute ofTechnology and Emory University School of Medicine)的评述:“和传统全身递送的mRNA疫苗不同,雾化mRNA疫苗首要解决的问题是mRNA疫苗在雾化剪切力作用下的稳定性,以及被上皮细胞有效吸收,并且不诱导炎症。The mRNA–nanoparticle ...
文章导读:脂质纳米颗粒(LNP, Lipid nanoparticle)是当前临床上最前沿的RNA递送系统,LNP作为一种非病毒递送载体,已获批用于mRNA的体内递送。BioNTech/Pfizer和Moderna开发的2款mRNA疫苗均采用LNP递送策略,已在广泛人群中验证了其安全性和有效性。除作为传染病疫苗外,mRNA编码任何蛋白的特性赋予其无限的治疗潜能,...
文章导读:脂质纳米颗粒(LNP, Lipid nanoparticle)是当前临床上最前沿的RNA递送系统,LNP作为一种非病毒递送载体,已获批用于mRNA的体内递送。BioNTech/Pfizer和Moderna开发的2款mRNA疫苗均采用LNP递送策略,已在广泛人群中验证了其安全性和有效性。 除作为传染病疫苗外,mRNA编码任何蛋白的特性赋予其无限的治疗潜能,如肿瘤...
The present invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising at least one lipid nanopartide (LNP) specific for targeting Langerhans cells (LC) wherein the LNP encapsulates at least one mRNA, is capable of specifically binding to the receptor Langerin and facilitates Langerin-mediated uptake ...
Lipid nanoparticles have successfully entered the clinic for the delivery of mRNA; in particular, lipid nanoparticle–mRNA vaccines are now in clinical use against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which marks a milestone for mRNA therapeutics. In this Review, we discuss the design of lipid ...
参照Moderna、BioNtech 和 Alnylam 的新冠疫苗配方,以SM102、ALC-0315、MC3为主要阳离子脂质制备包载 mRNA 的脂质纳米颗粒(lipid nanoparticles, LNPs)。 实验原理: ALC-0315、 MC3、和 SM102 是三种可用于人体的脂质。在酸性条件下,质子化形成阳离子脂质,能够通过静电作用和带负电的 mRNA 结合。脂质与溶有mRNA的...
2022年12月18日,葡萄牙科英布拉大学Vítor Francisco和Lino Ferreira作为共同通讯作者在Advanced Science(IF: 17.5)发表文章:《A Polymeric Nanoparticle Formulation for Targeted mRNA Delivery to Fibroblasts》,这项研究采用高通量筛选的方法,无需添加靶向性配体,从152种聚合物文库中鉴定了6种成纤维细胞靶向性的聚合物...
LNP全称Lipid Nanopartical(纳米脂质颗粒)。常用LNP合成仪,利用微流控的方式在微流控芯片中进行高度可控的合成。LNP合成后,有一些老师发现使用马尔文粒度仪测量LNP粒径时,对LNP产物做了稀释的粒径小于LNP产物直接进行检测。这是怎么回事呢? 众所周知,马尔文粒度检测仪对于粒子粒径大小的检测基于粒子的布朗运动速率。所...
Lipid nanoparticle-targeted mRNA therapy as a treatment for the inherited metabolic liver disorder arginase deficiency Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116 (2019), pp. 21150-21159 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 33 T. Morita, M. Mori, M. Tatibana, P.P. Cohen Site of synthesis and intrace...
To function in vivo, lipid nanoparticle–mRNA formulations need to overcome multiple extracellular and intracellular barriers7,11(Fig.3a). First, mRNA needs to be protected from nuclease degradation in physiological fluids7,11. Second, the formulation should evade the interception by the MPS and clea...