近日,福建农林大学海洋学院陈新华团队的研究解析了大黄鱼I型干扰素IFNi的高分辨(1.39 Å)晶体结构,并揭示了IFNi与受体结合的详细机制。研究结果以题为“Molecular and Structural Basis of Receptor Binding and Signaling of a Fish Type I IFN with Three Disulfide Bonds”的论文发表于美国免疫学家协会的旗舰期刊...
1 近日,我校海洋学院陈新华团队的研究解析了大黄鱼I型干扰素IFNi的高分辨(1.39 Å)晶体结构,并揭示了IFNi与受体结合的详细机制。研究结果以题为“Molecular and Structural Basis of Receptor Binding and Signaling of a Fish Type I ...
In this study, we sought to probe the effect of ionizing radiation on activity of cGAS-STING-IFNI pathway in normoxic or hypoxic glioma cells and explore a more effective method to activate the signaling pathway, thereby activating the anti-tumor immune response and improving the therapeutic ...
IntroductionIntrinsic disordered proteins are characterized by its flexible and dynamic tertiary structure even secondary structure [1].In the recently years, the intrinsic disordered protein was found in cell signaling proteins and transcription factors [2], suggest that they plays an important ...
近日,福建农林大学海洋学院陈新华团队的研究解析了大黄鱼I型干扰素IFNi的高分辨(1.39 Å)晶体结构,并揭示了IFNi与受体结合的详细机制。研究结果以题为“Molecular and Structural Basis of Receptor Binding and Signaling of a Fish Type ...
近日,福建农林大学海洋学院陈新华团队的研究解析了大黄鱼I型干扰素IFNi的高分辨(1.39 Å)晶体结构,并揭示了IFNi与受体结合的详细机制。研究结果以题为“Molecular and Structural Basis of Receptor Binding and Signaling of a Fish Type I IFN with Three Disulfide Bonds”的论文发表于美国免疫学家协会的旗舰期刊...