Gao J et al. Loss of IFN-γ Pathway Genes in Tumor Cells as a Mechanism of Resistance to Anti-CTLA-4 Therapy. Cell. 2016 Oct 6;167(2):397-404.e9.
III型 IFN-λ IFNLR1和IL-10R2 名词缩写表:IFN,干扰素;IFNAR1,干扰素α受体1;IFNAR2,干扰素α受体2;IFNGR1,干扰素γ受体1;IFNGR2,干扰素γ受体2;IFNLR1,干扰素λ受体1;IL-10R2,IL-10受体2。 图1.1型IFN诱导的细胞内通路。I型IFN与其各自的受体结合(表1),并诱导PKR和OAS蛋白...
IFN细胞因子根据其结合的不同干扰素受体分为三种类型(I型、II型和III型)(表1);每种IFN细胞因子诱导一种特定的免疫反应。此外,IFN细胞因子介导信号会促进主要组织相容性I类和II类分子(MHC I,MHC II)的上调,并活化许多下游信号级联,从而生成抗病毒防御机制。此后,IFN ELISA被用于治...
2022年10月,四川大学华西医院感染性疾病中心唐红教授团队在“Future Virology”杂志在线发表了题为“USP18 attenuates the anti-hepatitis B virus effect of IFN by down regulating JAK-STAT pathway”《泛素特异性蛋白酶18通过下调JAK-STAT信号通路减...
Human Type III IFNs Reporter Cells HEK-Blue™ IFN-λ cells were engineered from the human embryonic kidney HEK 293 cell line to detect bioactive human type III interferons (IFN-λs) by monitoring the activation of the JAK/ISGF3 pathway. In addition, these cells can be used for screening...
Gao J et al. Loss of IFN-γ Pathway Genes in Tumor Cells as a Mechanism of Resistance to Anti-CTLA-4 Therapy. Cell. 2016 Oct 6;167(2):397-404.e9.
IFN-I pathwayAntiviral responsesViral evasion mechanismsAntiviral responses of interferons (IFNs) are crucial in the host immune response, playing a relevant role in controlling viralw infections. Three types of IFNs, type I (IFN-α, IFN-β), II (IFN-γ) and III (IFN-λ), are classified...
Han, Tao, et al. (2015). Set7 facilitates hepatitis C virus replication via enzymatic activity-dependent attenuation of the IFN-related pathway. Journal of Immunology,13 pgs. PMID: 25681344. Wu, Zeguang (2015). Natural killer cells can inhibit the transmission of human cytomegalovirus in cell...
the role of JAK-STAT pathway in the IFN-l3 action against HIV, JAK inhibitor I was added to cell culture 1 h prior to IFN-l3 treatment. Reverse transcriptase (RT) activity assay HIV RT activity was determined with the technique of Willey et ...
signallingpathway;lysosome VII 华中科技大学硕士学位论文 目录 中英文缩写对照表III 中文摘要V ABSTRACTVI 引言1 材料与方法5 1.实验材料5 2.实验仪器与耗材9 3.实验方法10 4.数据处理20 实验结果21 1.载药肿瘤囊泡通过诱导巨噬细胞产生IFN-β增强其抗肿瘤功能21 2.载药肿瘤囊泡通过激活核DNA感受器-cGAS-STI...