Serum levels of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) are used as a prognostic tool for CRC patients and to indicate recurrence after treatment with 80% sensitivity and 70% specificity [9], although it can also be elevated in bowel inflammation, liver disease and pancreatitis [10]. An alternative ...
Microglia, the brain’s resident immune cells, play vital roles in brain development, and disorders like Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Human iPSC-derived microglia (iMG) provide a promising model to study these processes. However, existing iMG generation pr
Moreover, the analyses unveiled hidden diversity within S. asakoae, indicating the possible existence of up to four putative species. Conclusions This study highlights the potential of wing GM as a promising and reliable complementary tool for species identification of human-biting black flies in ...
Most adult female flies were caught with a sweep net while flying around a human bait, while others were reared from pupae collected with fine forceps from available substrates in streams. The wild-caught females were promptly euthanized by submerging them in a 15 ml centrifuge tube containing 80...
The fraction of taxa present in mice and respective donor, as well as the cumulative relative abundance of shared taxa in the donor are plotted. Differences in means were tested by linear mixed effects with donor diagnosis as a fixed effect and experimental stage, donor ID, and mouse sex as...
Sporadic Parkinson’s Disease (sPD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Mitochondrial dysfunction is one contributing factor, but its role at different stages of disease progression is not fully understood. Here, we showed that neural precursor...
The purity of the neutrophil cell population (>95%) was estimated based on Wright-Giemsa stained cells prepared using a cytospin centrifuge (Thermo Scientific, Australia). Low abundance (∼2–3%) of other interfering cell types including erythrocytes, basophils and eosinophils were identified. The...
Neutrophils are the most abundant leukocyte in humans and provide a critical early line of defense as part of our innate immune system. We perform a comprehensive, genome-wide assessment of the molecular factors critical to proliferation, differentiation, and cell migration in a neutrophil-like cell...
(nodes) of multivalent proteins63,64, we sought to find the connecting node between PNH and the nucleolus. In mESCs, it has been reported that transcriptionally repressive regions near centromeres are often closer to the nucleolus21. Within the human genome, 45S rDNA tandem repeats are ...
Microglia, the brain’s resident immune cells, play vital roles in brain development, and disorders like Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Human iPSC-derived microglia (iMG) provide a promising model to study these processes. However, existing iMG generation pr