AIR pilotsAIR forcesBINOCULAR visionCENTRIFUGESVISIONBackground/Aim. Stereo vision guarantees good vision and is one of the three main elements of binocular vision, besides simultaneous perception and fusion. It represents the third degree of binocular vision and enables estimation of...
The first group included 65 air force pilots and the second group comprised of 30 student pilots, all of whom were exposed to an acceleration of +5.5 Gz. The testing was per-formed in a human centrifuge, which mimics conditions of real Gz acceleration, in the Department of Biodynamics in ...
S.N.FilipenkovandA.M.KlochkovandN..Elsevier B.V.International Journal of PsychophysiologyEvstigneev AL, Filipenkov SN, Klochkov AM, et al. The EEG indicators of mental workload in pilots during the dynamic flight simulation on the human centrifuge. Int J Psychophysiol 2008; 69: 276-316....