git clone 2.分清楚ros里面(opt/ros/melodic/share)的包和catkin_ws/src下的包。前者是通过sudo apt-get install 命令默认安装的位置,后者是源码编译(src下git clone再来个catkin_make...)。 不然的话,命令行往往执行的不是你源码编译,而是ros里面的...,这对大佬来说只是常...
写一下我的安装gridmap的心酸泪 查看原文 ubuntu 16.04下安裝和配置ros(ORB-SLAM-A) 的时候为其安装一些系统依赖,同时也是某些ROS核心功能组件所必需用到的工具。然后初始化环境变量: 上面两句非常非常非常重要,很多小伙伴在日常的开发过程中,有的找不到Package, 找不到node, 很多情况下都是没有添加source。 最后...
源自: MapOverviewThis is a C++ library with ROS interface to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple dat.
grid_map_core grid_map_ros grid_map_cv Installation Installation from Packages To install all packages from the grid map library as Debian packages use sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-grid-map ...
【摘要】 源自: Grid Map Overview This is a C++ library with ROS interface to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers. It is designed for mobile r... 源自: ...
An introduction to the grid map library including a tutorial is given inthis book chapter. The C++ API is documented here: grid_map_core grid_map_ros grid_map_costmap_2d grid_map_cv grid_map_filters grid_map_octomap grid_map_pcl
IF(grid_map_ros_FOUND) SET(optional_dependencies ${optional_dependencies} grid_map_ros) ENDIF(grid_map_ros_FOUND) catkin_package( INCLUDE_DIRS include @@ -32,6 +36,11 @@ include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) # libraries SET(Libraries ${catkin...