Draw tilemap coordinate and rectangle size on the screen when using the TileMapLayer's Terrains plugin #101737 merged Mar 24, 2025 Fix vbox separation for inspector subgroups #104344 merged Mar 24, 2025 Core: Include intrin.h for MSVC #104570 merged Mar 24, 2025 mbedTLS: Update ...
Godot VirtualJoystick- A simple vitual joystick for mobile devices. GUT- Utility for writing unit tests in GDScript. InGrid- Infinite scrolling grid. Kehom's Godot Addon Pack- A collection of addons for debugging, networking, UI, and more. ...
Live to edit on mobile devices! Create any kind of complex 2D games Fully dedicated 2D engine, no hacks. Work in pixels as your units, but scale to any screen size and ratio. Custom 2D physics engine that works in pixel coordinates. Flexible kinematic controller for collision without physics...
摘自Godot Engine文档 多分辨率 基本大小 A base size for the window can be specified in the Project Settings(项目设置) under Display → Window. 然而,它的作用并不完全明显; 引擎将不 尝试将显示器切换到此分辨率。 相反,将此设置视为“设计大小”,即您在编辑器中... ...
Live to edit on mobile devices! Create any kind of complex 2D games Fully dedicated 2D engine, no hacks. Work in pixels as your units, but scale to any screen size and ratio. Custom 2D physics engine that works in pixel coordinates. Flexible kinematic controller for collision without physics...
With a dedicated 2D pipeline, you can simplify your game logic and work in pixels and screen coordinates. In addition, Godot’s built-in tile map editor makes creating levels in a 2D world simple and time efficient. Additionally, with Godot, developers can create 3D games for a wide range...
# position.y = clamp(position.y, 0, 180)我直接写320和180是因为没找见代表屏幕大小的属性,screen.size不好使。 Vector2 clamped(length: float) Returns the vector with a maximum length by limiting its length to length. 这个方法可以返回不大于length的同方向向量 ...
colorpicker用了screen_get_pixel Use nearest with mipmaps texture filter in SpriteFrames editor plugin [21] 加一个texture filter TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST Add GDExtension function to get Object class name [22] gdextension_object_get_class_name加上了个函数 Fix error in BaseMaterial3D when running doc...
screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size load_level(level_number) func load_level(level): var level_path ="res://Level"+ str(level) +".tscn" var level_scene = load(level_path) var level_instance = level_scene.instantiate() add_child(level_instance) ...
var screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size ifvelocity.y > screen_size.yorvelocity.y <0: show_game_over_screen() func show_game_over_screen(): get_tree().change_scene("res://GameOver.tscn") The Game Over screen will look something like this, with buttons for the player to restart...