float hue_diff = abs(hsv.x - target_hsv.x); hue_diff = min(hue_diff, 1.0 - hue_diff); float alpha = smoothstep(hue_range, hue_range + edge_smoothness, hue_diff); // 高级空洞修复(基于周围颜色分析) if (alpha < 0.5) { vec2 px = SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.xy; int foreground_neighbors ...
Multiplying the offset by SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE alone won't work. No idea what other things you have to do (please share if you know) to have the mask show up at get_global_mouse_position() for instance. I gave up on this many times. I will try again many times until I do figure ...
msdf_pixel_range=8 msdf_size=48 5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion 5 assets/free3d.com/birch_tree.blend.import Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -17,20 +17,23 @@ nodes/root_type="Node3D" nodes/root_name="Scene Root" nodes/apply_root_scale=true nodes/...
vec2 rand_vec = vec2(cos(rand_angel), sin(rand_angel)); transformed_world_to_canvas_coordinates = (inverse(MODEL_MATRIX) * vec4(mouse_screen_pos, 0.0, 1.0) ).xy; vec2 mouse_force = hovering * 0.5* (transformed_world_to_canvas_coordinates )/ length(region_rate/TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE) ...
colorpicker用了screen_get_pixel Use nearest with mipmaps texture filter in SpriteFrames editor plugin [21] 加一个texture filter TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST Add GDExtension function to get Object class name [22] gdextension_object_get_class_name加上了个函数 Fix error in BaseMaterial3D when running doc...
激活后,在编辑器里并看不出什么区别,这时,勾上Editor>Draw Screen选项后,编辑器中将出现当前摄像机的可视范围。 图3(紫色区域) 镜头跟随 前面已经讲到,要让镜头跟随角色移动,我们可以直接将摄像机添加为角色的子节点。 同时需要将Camera2D节点的Anchor Mode属性设置为Drag Center。意思是锚点在中间,如果角色的锚点也...
[GodotQ&A] How can i show touch screenbuttons only on android devices? 5. 为什么 tilemap 会闪烁 Open issue, 把 quadrant size 设为1就不闪了 [GithubIssue] Tilemap/draw_rect random flickering with Nvidia drivers 6. windows 平台的导出 exe 图标设置没有效果 ...
[GodotQ&A] How can i show touch screenbuttons only on android devices? 5. 为什么tilemap会闪烁 Open issue, 把quadrant size 设为1就不闪了 [GithubIssue] Tilemap/draw_rect random flickering with Nvidia drivers 6. windows平台的导出exe图标设置没有效果 ...
[GodotQ&A] How can i show touch screenbuttons only on android devices? 5. 为什么tilemap会闪烁 Open issue, 把quadrant size 设为1就不闪了 [GithubIssue] Tilemap/draw_rect random flickering with Nvidia drivers 6. windows平台的导出exe图标设置没有效果 ...
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