SCREEN_UV,0.0);if(textureColor.a==0.0){boolisFinish=false;vec2 screen=width*SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE;for(floatx=-screen.x;x<=screen.x&&!isFinish;x+=SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.x){for(floaty=-screen.y;y<=screen.y&&!isFinish;y+=SCREEN_PIXEL_
shader_type canvas_item; uniform float blur_distance = 0.03; void fragment() { float distance = 1.0 - (1.0 * VERTEX.y / SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.y); COLOR = textureLod(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV, distance * blur_distance); } 该代码创建了一个名为'blur_distance'的uniform变量,该变量定义要模糊...
# position.x = clamp(position.x, 0, 320) # position.y = clamp(position.y, 0, 180)我直接写320和180是因为没找见代表屏幕大小的属性,screen.size不好使。 Vector2 clamped(length: float) Returns the vector with a maximum length by limiting its length to length. 这个方法可以返回不大于length的...
Multiplying the offset by SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE alone won't work. No idea what other things you have to do (please share if you know) to have the mask show up at get_global_mouse_position() for instance. I gave up on this many times. I will try again many times until I do figure ...
Work in pixels as your units, but scale to any screen size and ratio. Custom 2D physics engine that works in pixel coordinates. Flexible kinematic controller for collision without physics. Blit 3D models as sprites into 2D. Create great-looking 3D games Import 3D models from 3DS Max, Maya,...
transformed_world_to_canvas_coordinates = (inverse(MODEL_MATRIX) * vec4(mouse_screen_pos, 0.0, 1.0) ).xy; vec2 mouse_force = hovering * 0.5* (transformed_world_to_canvas_coordinates )/ length(region_rate/TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE) + rand_vec*0.05 *rand_trans_power; ...
colorpicker用了screen_get_pixel Use nearest with mipmaps texture filter in SpriteFrames editor plugin [21] 加一个texture filter TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST Add GDExtension function to get Object class name [22] gdextension_object_get_class_name加上了个函数 Fix error in BaseMaterial3D when running doc...
58: #ifdef SCREEN_UV_USED 59: 60: uniform vec2 screen_pixel_size; 61: 62: #endif 63: 64: #ifdef USE_LIGHTING 65: 66: uniform highp mat4 light_matrix; 67: uniform highp mat4 light_local_matrix; 68: uniform highp mat4 shadow_matrix; ...
Maaack's Scene Loader - Scene loader that includes a loading screen, progress bar, and error handling. NobodyWho - Local large language models (LLMs) for "AI-powered" NPC dialogue. Orchestrator - Dialog and visual-scripting subsystem for 2D and 3D games. PixelPen - Pixel art drawing and...
=0.0||texture(TEXTURE,UV+vec2(TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.x,-TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y)).a!=0.0){isOutline=true;}}if(isOutline){col=textureLod(SCREEN_TEXTURE,SCREEN_UV,0.0).rgba;//set to background screen texture}}else{//part of the original imagecol=col*vec4(modulate_color,modulate_alpha)//...