GodotDiscordSDK - A GDNative wrapper for the Discord Game SDK, adding support for its functionality in GDScript without recompiling the engine (as opposed to something like godotcord which is a custom engine module). Godot GamePad - Allows players to use their mobile devices as controllers. Godot...
SimulaVR- A VR window manager for Linux, built on top of Godot engine. vpuppr- A cross-platform VTuber application with mulitple tracking backends. Templates Projects to use as a base for your own games. Godot 4 bendn's Godot Template- Game template using thegpm, with itch.io pushing an...
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine - godot/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml at 6b6428d779c8327ec051ab0b5114a2eaa3f1a3bf · godotengine/godot
Developed by Unity Technologies, Unity is a game engine used across industries, with a strong reputation for mobile game development on Android. Similarly to Godot, Unity’s strengths lie in its ability to develop 2D and 3D games. Also, developers working within both Unity and Godot can use...
Support for skinning in 3D skeletons. CameraServer singleton to retrieve images from mobile cameras or webcams as textures. A crosshair is now displayed when using freelook in the 3D editor. Project camera override button at the top of the 2D and 3D editors. When enabled, the editor viewport...
"ScrollContainer","PanelContainer" ] }, gup3 = { gup_name = "Popup",# 弹窗和弹出菜单等 items = [ "Popup","PopupDialog", "PopupMenu","PopupPanel", "WindowDialog","AcceptDialog", "ConfirmationDialog","FileDialog" ] } } func _enter_tree(): for gup in nodes: var gupBtn = Button...
项目-项目设置-Display-Window-Width设置320,Height设置180,运行发现窗口变太小了。 项目-项目设置-Display-Window-Test Width设置1280,Test Height设置720,也就是把运行时窗口变大,这时出现最开始时的样子,这是因为窗口没有拉伸。 项目-项目设置-Display-Window-Stretch-Mode-选2d,运行,画面是1280*720,游戏图像也相...
Add indicator for StringName properties [99] 加上类型提示 Fixed Subtract blend mode of Forward+ and Mobile renderers [100] Subtract blend mode 修复,适应godot3,但是合到godot4.1 Fix shader editor crash [101] shader包括shader编辑器的小问题 [3.x] Add audio/general/text_to_speech project setting...
This issue affects both desktop and mobile PCs running either UHD 620 or 630, if any of them run the Reverting the driver always works. All of our units are Dell units, but I doubt this would make any difference. Using either the original Intel or packaged Dell ...
This issue affects both desktop and mobile PCs running either UHD 620 or 630, if any of them run the Reverting the driver always works. All of our units are Dell units, but I doubt this would make any difference. Using either the original Intel or packaged Dell ...