# 在你的主脚本(通常是 main.gd)中添加以下代码 func _ready(): # 设置窗口大小为 1280x720 var new_width = 1280 var new_height = 720 OS.set_window_size(new_width, new_height) 在这段代码中,_ready()函数是节点准备好时的回调函数。我们在这个函数中调用了OS.set_window_size()方法来设置窗口...
可以发现DisplayServer的window_set_rect_changed_callback有一句警告: Warnning: Advanced users only! Adding such a callback to a Window node will override its default implementation, which can introduce bugs. 也确实, 使用了该函数后Window节点所设置的回调会失效, 这会导致Window节点中的SizePosition等属性...
很简单,代码如下: void beep(uint64_t times) { io_out8(0x43, 182&0xff); io_out...
_boundary.maxY = ProjectSettings.get('display/window/size/height') - (rect.position.y + rect.size.y) * scale.y func _process(delta): # 根据玩家键盘输入设置玩家的移动方向和速度 var hDir = int(Input.is_action_pressed('right')) - int(Input.is_action_pressed('left')) ...
There are several inconsistencies and bugs with the way godot determines the minimum and current window size. Here, a scaling factor of 2 causes godot to discard the values set from DisplayServer.window_set_min_size, as soon as wrap_content is set to true. This issue only exists when a ...
onready var _windowSize : Vector2 = self.get_viewport_rect().size var _isWorking := false # 是否正在进行生成中 var _astarPath : AStar = null # AStar算法实例 var _zoom : Vector2 = Vector2.ONE # 相机缩放 var _offset : Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO # 相机偏移 ...
_boundary.maxY=ProjectSettings.get('display/window/size/height')-(rect.position.y+rect.size.y)*scale.y func _process(delta): # 根据玩家键盘输入设置玩家的移动方向和速度 var hDir = int(Input.is_action_pressed('right')) - int(Input.is_action_pressed('left')) ...
_boundary.maxY=ProjectSettings.get('display/window/size/height')-(rect.position.y+rect.size.y)*scale.y func_process(delta):# 根据玩家键盘输入设置玩家的移动方向和速度varhDir=int(Input.is_action_pressed('right'))-int(Input.is_action_pressed('left'))varvDir=int(Input.is_action_pressed('down...
var screen_size # Size of the game window.这在var前加了一个export的作用是可以把声明的变量展示到界面面板上 2楼2019-02-13 20:46 回复 冰蓝圣雪 核心会员 7 该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠 查看此楼 3楼2019-02-27 16:46 回复(3)