Try waiting for one frame before capturing the image: Author msc509 commented on Jan 3, 2021 Try waiting for one frame before capturing the image:
开发者ID:AwsomeGameEngine,项目名称:godot,代码行数:49,代码来源:timer.cpp 示例13: switch ▲点赞 1▼ voidCamera::_notification(intp_what) {switch(p_what) {caseNOTIFICATION_ENTER_WORLD: {boolfirst_camera = get_viewport()->_camera_add(this);if(!get_tree()->is_node_being_edited(this) && ...
图1 测试条件 图2 测试结果 图3是进行测试的文本文件及其内容,由于文件前段所 +7 分享回复赞 godot吧 戏法之手 请问viewpoint坐标如何转换map坐标请问get_viewport().get_mouse_position()的坐标如何转换成tielmap的坐标 godot 分享4赞 flash吧 贴片式T卡 【沁恒 CH32V208 开发板】+ U盘/ SD NAND读写与多...
开发者ID:MattUV,项目名称:godot,代码行数:18,代码来源:editor_log.cpp 示例7: get_icon ▲点赞 1▼ voidNavigationPolygonEditor::_canvas_draw() {if(!node)return; Control *vpc = canvas_item_editor->get_viewport_control();if(node->get_navigation_polygon().is_null())return; Matrix32 xform ...
It is what the engine uses to navigate: And does visual detection if it can't find a neighbor:
viewport=NULL; }break; } } 开发者ID:0871087123,项目名称:godot,代码行数:56,代码来源:camera_2d.cpp 示例3: _enter_canvas ▲点赞 5▼ voidCanvasItem::_enter_canvas() {if((!get_parent() || !get_parent()->cast_to<CanvasItem>()) || toplevel) { ...
Godot version 3.5 stable, 4.0 Alpha 15 System information Win Issue description In both Godot 3.5 stable and Godot 4 Alpha 15 (and earlier) if you try to get the Rect2 of a Sprite using get_rect(), the resulting Rect2() will have the cor...
开发者ID:a12n,项目名称:godot,代码行数:9,代码来源:main_loop.cpp 示例2: get_script_instance ▲点赞 6▼ String EditorPlugin::get_name()const{if(get_script_instance() &&get_script_instance()->has_method("get_name")) {returnget_script_instance()->call("get_name"); ...
Note also that Window creates new objects itself, as does Viewport which in turn will be allocated up data Will play around with the MRP when I can and test some different senarios to see how it grows and how it relates to the number of objects and order etc. Some ideas for pinning ...
开发者ID:pkowal1982,项目名称:godot,代码行数:35,代码来源:gi_probe.cpp 示例2: make_convex_from_brothers ▲点赞 7▼ voidCollisionShape::make_convex_from_brothers() { Node *p = get_parent();if(!p)return;for(inti =0; i < p->get_child_count(); i++) { ...