reticulum (ER)–Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) in plant cells has long been debated. In our study we identified a dynamic Golgi-independent tubular network that transports ER-derived cargos and interacts with pre-existing Golgi to mature into new pre-Golgi cisternae in a lipid-dependent ...
4a). Thus, we asked if the cell-dependent reaction rates in cellDancer provide biological insights into cell identity. We applied cellDancer to infer cell-dependent α, β and γ in the endocrine development of the mouse pancreas profiled from embryonic day 15.5 (E15.5)36. Previous works ...
网络从属细胞 网络释义 1. 从属细胞 专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线... ... 依存关系 dependence relationship从属细胞dependent cell向下引流 dependent draina…|基于 1 个网页 例句
and Ca2+/Calmodulin Activates the Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase I Cascade, via Three Independent Mechanisms. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 270(45), 27186–27191.
贴壁依赖性细胞(anchorage dependent cell) :由它们繁衍出来的细胞(或培养物)只有贴附于不起化学作用的物体(如玻璃或塑料等无活物体)的表面时,才能生长,生存或维持其功能。 无贴壁性(anchorage-independent) :不依赖于贴附底物或支持物上生长的性质。
例如,2022年发表在Nat Methods上的这篇空转Benchmarking文章(DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01480-9),来自瞿昆老师团队。文章系统比较了16个空间转录组数据分析算法: image-20231228152056060 结果显示,cell2location、spatialDWLS、RCTD等算法具有更优异的去卷积性能,能够更准确地拆分空间转录组数据的细胞类型组成。
相关成果以“Collagen hydrogel viscoelasticity regulates MSC chondrogenesis in a ROCK-dependent manner”为题,发表于Science Advances。张兴栋院士团队肖芸副研究员为通讯作者,黄丹阳博士为第一作者,四川大学系该成果唯一完成单位。杰出教授、历史文化学院霍巍教授在《中国社会科学》发文 阐释三星堆考古与中国古史传承体系...
近日,来自美国威尔康乃尔医学院的Virginia Pascual团队在Cell上在线发表文章:Erythroid mitochondrial retention triggers myeloid-dependent type I interferon in human SLE,利用小分子抑制剂和泛素-蛋白酶体系统(UPS)功能基因缺陷患者的细胞,证明了在人类红系细胞成熟过程中,缺氧诱导因子(HIF)介导的代谢开关可调节线粒体...
抗体依赖细胞介导的细胞毒作用(Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxic,ADCC) ,简而言之,就是具有杀伤性的细胞 (如NK细胞、巨噬细胞以及中性粒细胞等) 通过其表达的Fc受体识别包被于靶抗原上的抗体Fc段,直接杀死靶细胞。基于这一思路,科学家们研制出了识别不同分子靶点的单抗,从而诱导细胞毒免疫效应细胞去清除病...
13. Xia, X., Li, X., Li, F., Wu, X., Zhang, M., Zhou, H., Huang, N., Yang, X., Xiao, F., Liu, D., et al. (2019). A novel tumorsuppressorprotein encoded by circular AKT3 RNA inhibits glioblastoma tumorigenicity by competing with active phosphoinositide-dependent Kinase-1....