LAG-3 and PD-1 synergize on CD8+ T cells to drive T cell exhaustion and hinder autocrine IFN-γ-dependent anti-tumor immunity AG-3 sustains TOX expression and regulates the CD94/NKG2-Qa-1b axis to govern exhausted CD8 T...
ADCC,antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity抗体依赖的细胞介导的细胞毒性作用是指表达___的NK细胞、巨噬细胞和中性粒细胞等,通过与已结合在病毒感染细胞和肿瘤细胞等靶细胞表面的IgG抗体的Fc段结合,而杀伤这些靶细胞的作用。 连锁不平衡:HLA复合体等位基因在人群中有各自的基因频率,随机婚配的群体中,在无新...
8.Ruscetti, M., et al., NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity contributes to tumor control by a cytostatic drug combination. Science, 2018. 362(6421): p. 1416-1422.9.Provenzano, P.P., et al., Enzymatic targeting of the stroma ablates physical barriers to treatment of pancreatic ductal ...
细胞内吞(endocytosis)是指细胞外物质通过膜内陷和内化进入细胞的过程。主要分为吞噬(phagocytosis,内吞物为固体)和胞饮(pinocytosis,内吞物为液体),以及由微粒和细胞表面的性质决定的内吞作用。 ADCC(antibody-dependent cell-mediatedcytotoxicity)是指抗体依赖的细胞介导的细胞毒性作用,是抗肿瘤的治疗性抗体药物发生作用...
2023年6月13日,广东省智能科学与技术研究院(简称:广东省智能院)张旭研究团队在国际著名学术期刊《Cell Research》(细胞研究)上发表了题为“A direct spino-cortical circuit bypassing the thalamus modulates nociception”的论文,该研究综合利用神经环路示踪、电镜、钙成像、行为学等实验方法,发现了一条新的传导痛觉的...
LAG-3 and PD-1 synergize on CD8+ T cells to drive T cell exhaustion and hinder autocrine IFN-γ-dependent anti-tumor immunity AG-3 sustains TOX expression and regulates the CD94/NKG2-Qa-1b axis to govern exhausted CD8 T cell NK receptor expression and cytotoxicity ...
et al. A nonfucosylated anti-HER2 antibody augments antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity in breast cancer patients. Clin. Cancer Res. 13, 1875–1882 (2007). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Wang, X., Mathieu, M. & Brezski, R. J. IgG Fc engineering to modulate antibody effector ...
Electron microscopic demonstration of lesions in target cell membranes associated with antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 42, 554–560 (1980). PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Dennert, G. & Podack, E. R. Cytolysis by H-2-specific T killer cells. Assembly...
Antibody-dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity;Cytotoxicity, Mechanisms of;Delayed-type Hypersensitivity;Granuloma;Immunopathology;Parasites, Immunity to;Vaccines. View chapter Review article Autoimmune hepatitis: evolving concepts Autoimmunity ReviewsJournal2004,Autoimmunity Reviews ...