发现大部分都是share的,也有一小部分是肾脏组织特异性的。 cell-type-dependent eQTLs即eQTL(ci) 接下来是重头戏,计算了基因型和细胞组分比例对基因表达影响的相互作用,即在不同的细胞组成下,基因型对表达的影响不同(或者反过来)。 首先,计算模型为混合线性模型。beta1表示二者互作的效应,beta2表示SNP单独的效应。
近日,来自美国威尔康乃尔医学院的Virginia Pascual团队在Cell上在线发表文章:Erythroid mitochondrial retention triggers myeloid-dependent type I interferon in human SLE,利用小分子抑制剂和泛素-蛋白酶体系统(UPS)功能基因缺陷患者的细胞,证明了在人类红系细胞成熟过程中,缺氧诱导因子(HIF)介导的代谢开关可调节线粒体...
The study demonstrated a framework to apply genomic tools to generate hypotheses regarding the specific cell populations that respond to or mediate experience-dependent processes. However, cell-type identification using marker gene expression could lead to difficulties in distinguishing alternations in the c...
cell2location.models.RegressionModel.setup_anndata(adata=adata_ref,batch_key='orig.ident',# 10X reaction/sample/batch labels_key='cell_type'# cell type,covariate usedforconstructing signatures #categorical_covariate_keys=['Method']# multiplicative technicaleffects(platform,3' vs 5',donor effect)) ...
We randomly split the dataset into two batches and simulated non-linear and cell type-dependent batch effects (see “Methods”). The clusters identified using JOINTLY recover the original cell types, whereas clustering on the unintegrated dataset wrongly assigned one batch of Ramos cells to the ...
2022年10月10日,美国斯坦福大学与霍华德休斯医学研究所的骆利群团队与合作者在Neuron期刊上发表了题为“In situ cell-type-specific cell-surface proteomic profiling in mice”的文章。骆利群实验室的博士生俞安洋(Andrew Shuster)和李介夫为本文的共同第一作者。
Rnd3 protects against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity through inhibition of PANoptosis in a Rock1/Drp1/mitochondrial fission-dependent manner Wen Ge ,Xiaohua Zhang &Dongdong Sun Article 21 December 2024|Open Access TGFβ signaling sensitizes MEKi-resistant human melanoma to targeted therapy-induced apop...
lon Deficiency in the Lon ATPase-dependent protease; decreases the degradation of recombinant proteins; all B strains carry this mutation gyrA96 DNA gyrase mutant produces resistance to nalidixic acid lacY1 Blocks use of lactose via β-D-galactosidase mutant ...
MAPK-dependent modification of blood vessel development programs, including regulation of the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), which is responsible for the recruitment of leukocytes to sites of inflammation [278], increases the risk of patients with type 2 diabetes, among ...