7. 小鼠肠道组织 肠道组织里,很多老师都会研究DC细胞,但是DC细胞的标志物CD11C,MHCII在肠道巨噬细胞中也会有表达,老师们在检测和数据分析圈门时要注意哦。 8. 小鼠皮肤组织 除了CD11B,F4/80marker外,可添加EPCAM,CD64,CD24等标...
Depletion of CD11b+Ly6C+MHC Class II+ macrophages accelerates colon inflammation in WT mice induced by DSS treatment.Kenichiro, NishikawaNaohiro, SeoMie, ToriiNei, MaDaisuke, MuraokaIsao, TawaraMasahiro, MasuyaKyosuke, TanakaYoshiyuki, Takei
Dynamics of Dendritic Cell Phenotype and Interactions with CD4+ T Cells in Airway Inflammation and Tolerance The DC population derived from tolerized mice was predominantly CD11c+, B220+, Gr-1+, CD11b, and MHC class IIlow, which resembled plasmacytoid-type ... TB Oriss,M Ostroukhova,C Segu...
cells by flow cytometry, we gated for cDCs (CD45+CD11c+MHC-II+CD88–F4/80–Siglec-F–), excluding Siglec-F+alveolar macrophages (AMs), CD88+F4/80+IMs, F4/80+monocytes, and CD88+MHC-II–neutrophils (Supplementary Figs.1dand3a, b). At steady state, there were very few Ly-6C+anti...
MHCII expression is reconstituted in CD11b+ and CD8α+ DCs, but other DC subtypes, macrophages, B cells, and parenchymal cells lack of expression of the I-Aβb chain. Presentation of both peptide and protein Ags by these DC subsets is sufficient for Th1 differentiation of Ag-specific CD4+...
Following CD11chighMHCII þ DC subsets were sorted and analyzed in a gene expression microarray: (1) CD103 þ CD11b À , (2) CD103 þ CD11b þ , and (3) CD103 À CD11b þ . (b) Transcript heat map of the B640 genes that are at least twofold differentially expressed ...
Abs used were anti-CD14 (mouse 3C10; ATCC), anti-MHC class I (mouse W6.32; ATCC), and anti-MHC class II (mouse BT-2.9). Saturating concentrations of mAbs recognizing TLR4 (mouse; e-Bioscience) and CD11b (mouse; Santa Cruz Biotechnology) were used to check FG receptor expression ...
In terms of cell surface phenotype, L-DC were initially characterized as a CD11bhiCD11cloMHCII-Ly6C-Ly6G- subset in murine spleen. Their expression of CD43, lack of MHCII, and a low level of CD11c was shown to best ... YY Hey,JKH Tan,HC O'Neill - Wiley-Blackwell 被引量: 9发表...
TGFβR1 signalling controls dendritic cell homeostasis in the intestine.aExpression of CD103 and CD11b by live CD45+CD11c+MHCII+CD64−DC (left) and relative frequencies of DC subsets (right) in the SILP ofRag1−/−Tgfbr1fl/flmice (Rag1−/−Cre−) orRag1−/−CD11c-Cre....
with earlier studies, we found that the frequency of CD8a þ DCs among CD11chi MHC IIhi cDCs was reduced by 490% 24 h after CT treatment (Figure 3a,f).23 In contrast, CD11b þ DC frequencies were unaltered and these cells were activated and had upregulated CD86 (Figure 3a,b,e)...