Conventional APCs that express MHC class II (MHCII) and co‐stimulatory molecules include dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages. Beyond these conventional APCs, immune stimulatory cells have been more recently shown to extend to a class of atypical APCs, composed of mast cells, basophils, and ...
However, class II-negative B cells cannot receive help and Ag-specific IgG is not produced, confirming the critical MHCII requirement at this stage. These findings indicate that DCs are not only key initiators of the primary response, but provide all of the necessary cognate interactions to ...
结果:用 ADH-503 (GB1275)处理后,巨噬细胞的 MHCI、MHCII、CD80 和 CD86 表达水平更高,表明剩余巨噬细胞的抗原呈递特性有所改善。[1] 体内活性 方法:在大鼠和 C57/B6 小鼠中,给予ADH-503 (GB1275) (30,100mg / kg,口服)测试药代动力学 (PK) 和安全性。
Clinically Relevant Allergen Mixture Induces Robust Immune Response By Increasing CD11c+CD11b+MHCIIhiCD103int Lung Dendritic CellsClinically Relevant Allergen Mixture Induces Robust Immune Response By Increasing CD11c+CD11b+MHCIIhiCD103int Lung Dendritic CellsFemale Balb/c mice were sensitized intranasall...
Cells were re-suspended in FACS buffer and incubated with Fc blocking antibody for 30 minutes, to prevent binding of nonspecific FcγRIII/II. Cells were then labeled with indicated antibodies (as a cocktail: Anti-CD11b, anti-CD11c, anti-CD45 anti-Gr1 anti-Siglec F and anti-MHCII), for...
Following CD11chighMHCII þ DC subsets were sorted and analyzed in a gene expression microarray: (1) CD103 þ CD11b À , (2) CD103 þ CD11b þ , and (3) CD103 À CD11b þ . (b) Transcript heat map of the B640 genes that are at least twofold differentially expressed ...
CD11c+MHCII+CD64−DC (left) and relative frequencies of DC subsets (right) in the colonic LP ofRag1−/−Cre−orRag1−/−Cre+mice. Data are pooled from two independent experiments with a total of seven mice per group.eExpression of CD103 and CD11b by live CD11c+MHCII+DC ...
(a) Flow cytometry analysis of CD11b þ and CD8a þ in CD11c þ and MHC II þ gated DCs in the spleen of naive mice or mice immunized intravenously (i.v.) with CT 24 h before analysis. (b) CD86 expression in CD11b þ or CD8a þ DCs in naive (gray line) or CT-...
T cellsDENDRITIC cellsSaponin-based adjuvants (SBAs) distinguish themselves as vaccine adjuvants by instigating a potent activation of CD8 T cells. Previously, we discovered SBA's ability to induce cross-presentation in dendritic cells (DCs) leading to CD8 T cell activation. Moreover, the MHCII...
Cross-priming ability resides within the CD11b+ MHCIIhi subset.Suzanne, T. Nizza