Catkin_make, CMake, Catkin Build:ROS构建工具的比较与解析作者:快去debug2024.04.01 17:28浏览量:13 简介:本文深入探讨了ROS(Robot Operating System)中的三种主要构建工具:catkin_make、CMake和catkin build。我们将通过理解它们的工作原理、优点和缺点,来帮助读者选择最适合自己项目的构建工具。 即刻调用文心一言...
message(STATUS "PROJECT_NAME is ${PROJECT_NAME}") #set compenents modules args #MODULE_1 set(MODULE_1_DIR compenents/Lidar_r2000) add_subdirectory(${MODULE_1_DIR}) include_directories( ${MODULE_1_DIR}/include ) #set Release arg IF(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) #set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debu...
Running catkin_make --pkg is a useful way to debug some buildsystem errors, but currently CMakeLists from all packages in the workspace are incldued in the configuration step, instead of just the packages which are in the dependency tree...
I have the problem after anaconda is installed. I get an error because of the different PYTHONPATH used by anaconda. Solution 1: turn off anaconda In the end of file~/.bashrc, you will findexport PATH="/home/YOURUSRNAME/anaconda3/bin:$PATH". In fact the ROS should use python in/opt...
debug_message.cmake em_expand.cmake empy.cmake find_program_required.cmake legacy.cmake list_append_deduplicate.cmake list_append_unique.cmake list_insert_in_workspace_order.cmake ...
1.在qt界面左下角将default改为debug. 2.qt界面左边导航栏选择preject,在build settings选项卡中CMAKE 的build directory:修改为工作空间下的build路径。 具体如下图: 修改为下图: qt 可以实现插断点调试Ros GUI界面了。 欢迎需要配置QT ROS GUI 的各位网友在下方留言,交流配置过程中的问题。最后来一张我配置好...
I have successfully transform Web Config and App Config in Debug Mode using this Tutorial . File Web.config will change depending on current Build Configuration. My question is, will this functionalit... Access query is asking for parameters for calculated field, how can I stop this?
语法:TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(targetlibrary1 <debug | optimized> library2 ..) 比如(以下写法(包括备注中的)都可以): TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(myProject hello),连接libhello.so库到myProject(可执行文件)当中 TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(myProject libhello.a) ...
PCL--Debug 文章目录 解决方法1解决方法2使用PCL的KdTreeFLANN的时候报错: 解决方法1解决方案-属性中包含目录的路径为D:\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\FLANN\include\flann请把它改为:D:\PCL 1.8.1\3rdParty\FLANN\include,如下图所示: 解决方法2如果使用了opencv的头文件,由于opencv2文件夹下面也有flann ...
Tomcat报错Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986 2019-12-06 16:58 −问题描述:后台报错 Note: further occurrences of HTTP header parsing errors will be logged at DEBUG Invalid characte......