void vkCmdResetEvent( VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, VkEvent event, VkPipelineStageFlags stageMask); void vkCmdWaitEvents( VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t eventCount, const VkEvent* pEvents, VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, uint32_t memoryBarrierCount, c...
通过不同的参数搭配,可以达到如下效果:所提交的command buffer将在执行到每个semaphore等待阶段时候,检查并等待每个对应的wait semaphore数组中的semaphore是否被signal, 且等到command buffer执行完毕以后,将所有signal semaphore数组中的semaphore都signal起来。 通过这种方式,实际上提供了一种非常灵活的同步queue之间或者queue...
Recording:vkBeginCommandBuffer函数会使得command buffer从Initial状态到可以接受command的recording状态,可以使用vkCmd*各种函数来往一个command buffer进行塞command Executable:vkEndCommandBuffer函数可以是的Recording状态的command buffer进入可以提交到queue的状态,也就是Executable状态。然后可以通过submmit到queue中。 Pending...
PipelineBarrier指定了我们在整个管线流程中的execution order和memory order,名副其实的像一个屏障般对管线运行流程进行了分离。而本文的重点便是关注其中的srcStageMask和dstStageMask,而BufferMemoryBarrier,ImageMemoryBarrier,ImageMemoryBarrier这类内存屏障我们可以日后再表(其实是我也还没完全搞明白) 。 Pipeline Stag...
Execute the command buffer with that image as attachment in the framebuffer Return the image to the swap chain for presentation drawFrame函数会实施下述操作: 从交换链请求一个image。 执行命令buffer,以此image作为帧缓存的附件。 返回image到交换链for呈现。
Create a new functioncreateTextureImagewhere we'll load an image and upload it into a Vulkan image object. We're going to use command buffers, so it should be called aftercreateCommandPool. 创建新函数createTextureImagewhere我们将加载图像,上传它到一个Vulkan的image对象。我们要用命令buffer,所以应该...
Order Independent Transparency Performance Multi threaded command buffer generation Instancing Indirect drawing Occlusion queries Pipeline statistics Physically Based Rendering PBR basics PBR image based lighting Textured PBR with IBL Deferred Deferred shading basics Deferred multi sampling Deferred shading shadow ...
commandBuffer, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT, // source stage VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, // destination stage /* remaining parameters omitted */); This transition expresses that every command currently in flight on the GPU needs to finish, then the transition is executed, and...
Rasterization Order Within a subpass of a render pass instance, for a given (x,y,layer,sample) sample location, the following operations are guaranteed to execute in rasterization order, for each separate primitive that includes that sample location: Fragment operations, in the order ...
executed by a logical Device. You can call various functions on a command buffer, all of them starting withvkCmd. They are used to specify the order, type and parameters of tasks that should be performed when the CommandBuffer is submitted to a Queue and is finally consumed by the Device...