但是对我来说不好用,因为我需要将拖尾的头部可以与我的武器的位置吻合,如果用TrailRenderer挂到武器上,就算怎么调好起始对好的位置,运行后,你就会发现各种对不准,因为TrailRenderer是只一个坐标为对准拖尾头部的。 看看unity自带的制作效果 这效果不理想啊,所以啊,没办法下,就自己动手写个实时生成拖尾网格的脚本。
This trail renderer is designed to be a one-time use component. There are several reasons for this, based on the way it is designed for optimization. When emitting is set to false, the trail renderer will stop adding new segments and fade out. The fade out time is set to the lifetime...
timeHow long does the trail take to fade out. widthCurveSet the curve describing the width of the trail at various points along its length. widthMultiplierSet an overall multiplier that is applied to the TrailRenderer.widthCurve to get the final width of the trail. ...
详细方法是PlayAnimation(AnimtaionState mState) 2、在PacketRPG中,通过SetTime()方法来设置武器拖尾的时间,通过StartTrail()和FadeOut()来实现特效的渐入渐出效果。当然,我们能够通过WeaponTrain脚本来设置,详细參数的意义大家能够查阅文档。 3、该脚本中的两个WeapTrail对象分别指向我们实现定义好的LeftWeaponTrail、Ri...
DOFade(float to, float duration) DOGradientColor(Gradient to, float duration) Blendable tweens DOBlendableColor(Color to, float duration) TrailRenderer DOResize(float toStartWidth, float toEndWidth, float duration) DOTime(float to, float duration) Transform Move DOMove(Vector3 to, float duratio...
[SerializeField] private Renderer m_Renderer; private void Awake () { m_Renderer.material = m_NormalMaterial; } 复制代码 如果想看到实际的示例,不妨看看VRSampleScens/Scens/Examples/的InteractiveItem场景。 SelectionRadial和SelectionSlider 我们同时利用了radial选择条(SelectionRadial),以及选择滑动条(Selection...
Line Renderer example setup Trail Renderer:拖尾 Properties Billboard Renderer Billboard Renderer 渲染BillboardAssets, 要么是来自预先准备好的资产(比如 SpeedTree) or 来自自定义创建的文件 (例如,在运行时使用脚本或自定义编辑器创建). Billboards are a level-of-detail (LOD) 用于在场景中较远的地方以更简...
CutOutGraphic - Can cut out a hole unity-ui-image-alphamask - Alpha mask UnmaskForUGUI - Reverse mask for uGUI element Shape UIGraphicAPI - A drawing API ui-shapes-kit - procedural shapes Unity-UI-Polygon - Polygon renderer CircleGraphic.cs - Create circles/ellipses shapes2d - Make simple...
The Trail Renderer is great for a trail behind a projectile, or contrails from the tip of a plane’s wings. It is good when trying to add a general feeling of speed. When using a Trail Renderer, no other renderers on theGameObjectare used. It is best to create an empty GameObject,...
ambientMode环境光照模式。 ambientProbe自定义或天空盒环境光照数据。 ambientSkyColor来自上方的环境光照。 customReflection自定义镜面反射立方体贴图。 defaultReflectionMode默认反射模式。 defaultReflectionResolution默认反射的立方体贴图分辨率。 flareFadeSpeedThe fade speed of all flares in the Scene. ...