// set the background music and play it just once. audio->playBackgroundMusic("mymusic.mp3", false); 播放音效 通过下面的方式,将一个音频文件作为音效: #include "SimpleAudioEngine.h" using namespace CocosDenshion; auto audio = SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance(); // play a sound effect, just o...
按钮的点击效果(缩放、声音):Unity中,按钮按下抬起的缩放效果 改良内容 不再需要自行创建相关GO。当调用Instance时,若不存在,会自动创建相关的GO。 public AudioClip _clip;public AudioClip _music;Audio.AudioSys.Instance.PlaySound(_clip);Audio.AudioSys.Instance.PlayMusic(_music); usingSystem;usingSystem.Co...
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
audioEntry.mGameObject.transform.position = position; if (PlaySound(ref audioEntry)) return audioEntry.mID; return -1; } /// <summary> /// 停止播放音效 /// </summary> /// <param name="id">要停止的音效的ID,为创建时的返回ID</param> public void StopSound(long id, float fadeTime) ...
A game would be incomplete without some kind of audio, be it background music or sound effects. Unity’s audio system can import most standard audio file formats, play sounds in 3D space, and apply optional effects such as echo and filtering. Unity can also record audio from any available...
1: 全局唯一的sound_manager; 2: 在场景里面创建一个物体(做为声音的根节点),而且设置这个物体场景切换也不会删除; 3: 编写接口播放背景音乐play_music; 4: 编写接口播放背景音效play_effect; // 2D声音 5: 音乐和音效内部实现都是一样的, 只不过要把url分组管理, 音效为一组,音乐为一组; ...
Unity3D_PropertyDrawer_AudioClip - Draws a play button and waveform preview for serialized AudioClip fields Auto attach components - This asset help you to auto attach components into your serialized fields in inpector. I started use it to avoid every time assign components in Awake/Start functio...
Media TechnologiesAudioAVFoundation senna125 CreatedJun ’22 Replies0 Boosts0 Views1k Participants1 I have a Unity project that plays sound even when silent mode is on. How do I stop that behavior and only play game audio when silent mode is off?
Does Unity play back files on my device? [+] Unity can play virtually any known audio format through the Unity app. Permissions may be requested by the Unity app to do so. Can Unity be used as a phone headset? [+] Unity can be used as a phone headset via Bluetooth. ...
门打开时应该有动画并发出声音,因此合理的做法是设置一个 SetAnimatorTrigger scriptSetAnimatorTrigger script 和一个 PlaySoundPlaySound 脚本来监听 GameCommandReceiverGameCommandReceiver。 Send Game Command 这是用于生成命令的基类。例如,DoorHuge 预制件使用此类来激活 Grenadier(打开 Assets > 3DGamekit > Scenes...