2、把要加载的游戏对象放到该目录下 然后编写代码就OK 注意:Resources的路径中是不能有下划线的 不然无法识别 代码如下: public class ResImageTest : MonoBehaviour { public Image m_image; private void Start() { m_image.sprite = Resources.Load("One/one2",typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; } } 路径一定...
private void ChangeImage(int index) { AssetsManager.Load("Assets/_Sprites/Setting/" + index + ".png", (sprite) => { img.sprite = sprite; }); } }
sprite = sprite; } } 本地加载 StartCoroutine(LoadTexture2D(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/Image/Guide1.png")); url加载 StartCoroutine(LoadTexture2D("https://docs.unity3d.com/uploads/Main/ShadowIntro.png")); 以IO的形式加载 private void LoadByIo(string path) { // 目标 Image img =...
Image image = GoNewObject.AddComponent<Image> (); Button btn = GoNewObject.AddComponent<Button> (); image.overrideSprite = Resources.Load ("coinn2",typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; btn.onClick.AddListener (ProcessSomething); } void ProcessSomething(){ print ("Button is Clicked"); // Update i...
image.sprite = sprite; double time = (double) Time.time - startTime; Debug.Log("IO加载用时:" + time); } private void LoadByWWW() { StartCoroutine(Load()); } private string url = "file://D:/SOmeOther/NGUI/Assets/StreamingAssets/"; ...
//创建Sprite Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); startTime = (double)Time.time - startTime; Debug.Log("www加载用时 : " + startTime); obj.sprite = sprite; ...
This is a simple plugin to load image sprite from URL and set in to game object. feature After the first time image load from URL is succes, it will save on local directory. So, the next load with same URL don't need Connection to establish download, it will load image from local ...
m_SpriteAtlas= AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SpriteAtlas>(atlasName); 在属性面板的Enable方法里,获取已设置好信息的图集资源 m_SpriteAtlas = EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, m_SpriteAtlas,typeof(SpriteAtlas),false)asSpriteAtlas; 将临时图集变量显示在属性面板,来进行替换 ...
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; public class LoadResources : MonoBehaviour { public Image image; // Use this for initialization void Start () { image.overrideSprite = Resources.Load ("animotiong_2", typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; } } ...
方法1:直接在代码中创建和设置UIAtlas并对UISprite进行显示。这种方法可以对任何零散的贴图进行加载,但缺点是浪费DrawCall,主要应用在特别零散的贴图资源上。 public class ImageLoader : MonoBehaviour { //需要加载动态图片的对象 public UISprite m_img;