所以在创建Image组件时,它的位置需要根据对应的物品资源在当前背包的BackPack这个List里的位置索引来决定,直接来写出GetPosition方法,返回Vector3的位置值:public Vector3 GetPosition(int index) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(X_Start + X_SPACE_BETWEEN_ITEM * (index % NUMBER_OF_COLUMN),Y_Start - Y_...
-dDumps out the list of scripts being processed -iIgnore compilation errors. This allows the conversion process to continue instead of aborting. --skipcomments(Default: False) Do not try to preserve comments (Use this option if processing comments cause any issues). ...
Arrays of a serializable type Lists of a serializable type Enums Structs For more information on serialization, see Script Serialization.Note: If you put one element in a list (or array) twice, when the list gets serialized, you'll get two copies of that element, instead of one copy being...
GetOrAdd(files[0], out HashSet<string> fileDependencies); // Grab the list of object references for the asset or scene and add them to the forward dependencies hash set for this file (write command) if (m_DependencyData.AssetInfo.TryGetValue(asset, out AssetLoadInfo assetInfo)) object...
举个例子假如开始策划说我只需要拖放一个GameObject,但是N天以后策划说这里想拖多个GameObject. 那么如果开始序列化的数据不是List那么就悲剧了,数据结构一变策划之前拖拽过的工作都玩白做了。。有些人为了做兼容不得不在写一个新的数据结构让策划来填写,但是这样就得是多个变量了,代码看起来比较丑了。
-dDumps out the list of scripts being processed -iIgnore compilation errors. This allows the conversion process to continue instead of aborting. --skipcomments(Default: False) Do not try to preserve comments (Use this option if processing comments cause any issues). ...
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
See inGlossaryfile that includes information such as the package name, its version, a list of its dependencies, and the URL to its repository. Procedure To create a new package: Create an empty shell for the package using one of these methods: ...
我们现在将目光重新放回到Resource List区域,有的Bundle名字前面有一个[Packed]的标识,如果选中它,在底部会有一个Packed的勾选被选中。这个Packed的标识代表该份AssetBundle资源是否会被默认打进包内。 Packed标识 如果被勾选,这个Packed的AssetBundle就会在构建完资源包时(如果是Updatable模式,我们后文会解释),被自动拷...
代码位置:见随书光盘中源代码/第04章/FPSGame/Assets/BombScripts/目录下的BombCtrl.cs。1 using UnityEngine; 2 using System.Collections; 3 public class BombCtrl : MonoBehaviour { 4 ...//此处省略了其他变量和方法的声明,将会在下面给出 5 public Transform bomb; //炸弹对象引用 6 public Transform...