②、 添加一组元素语法: List. AddRange(IEnumerable<T> collection) ③、在index位置添加一个元素语法: Insert(int index, T item); ④、遍历List中元素语法: 例: (3)、删除元素: ①、删除一个值语法:List. Remove(T item) ②、 删除下标为index的元素语法:List. RemoveAt(int index); ③、 从下标ind...
②、 删除下标为index的元素 语法:List. RemoveAt(int index); mList.RemoveAt(0); ③、 从下标index开始,删除count个元素 语法:List. RemoveRange(int index, int count); mList.RemoveRange(3,2); (4)、判断某个元素是否在该List中: 语法:List. Contains(T item) 返回值为:true/false if (mList....
AddRange( ) 公有方法,在List尾部添加实现了ICollection接口的多个元素 BinarySearch( ) 重载的公有方法,用于在排序的List内使用二分查找来定位指定元素. Contains( ) 测试一个元素是否在List内 CopyTo( ) 重载的公有方法,把一个List拷贝到一维数组内 Exists( ) 测试一个元素是否在List内 Find( ) 查找并返回Li...
void AddNearPoint(List<int> nearpoint, int p) { int _row = p / col; int _col = p % col; if (p >= 0 && p < maxcount && mapList[_row][_col] == (int)PointType.wall) { nearpoint.Add(p); } } 接下来进行生成逻辑,定义一个方法void FindPoint(int nowindex);nowindex为当前...
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
/// add anchor at tail of curve /// /// public void AddPoints(params Vector3[] points) { anchors.AddRange(points); FixedCurve(); } /// /// clear anchors and reset them by new points. /// /// public void Reset(params Vector3[] ...
“Add Current” button or by dragging and dropping scene files onto the build dialog. Here, you can reorder them, as well (which, again, makes loading scenes by index dangerous because they can easily get reordered). You can enable or disable these scenes for any build by checking or un...
Integration in Visual Studio's Navigate To window. Parsing of Info console message, so that clicking in the Error List take you to the first stackframe with symbols. Add an API to let user participate in the project generation. Add an API to let user participate in the LogCallback.Bug...
Add("123"); arr.Add(new object()); ArrayList arr2 = new ArrayList() { 1, 2, 3, "123", true }; //批量增加,把另一个list里的内容加到原list的后面 arr.AddRange(arr2); //插入(第一个元素是index,第二个元素是要插入的内容) arr.Insert(0, "2"); Debug.Log(arr.IndexOf("2"));...
CreateScene Create an empty new scene at runtime with the given name. GetActiveScene Gets the currently active scene. GetSceneAt Get the scene at index in the SceneManager's list of added scenes. GetSceneByName Searches through the scenes added to the SceneManager for a scene with the give...