GameObject.Find("要查找的gameobject的名字").GetComponent<脚本名字>().变量或者函数 吼吼就跑 Renderer 6 假如在ScriptA中调用ScriptB,可以在ScriptA中定义一个public ScriptB b;然后在配置那把gameObject拖进入,就能直接用ScriptB了,你试试。 Ge特式寂寞0 Collider 7 哈哈 你也是6 ...
publicGameObject(stringname); Declaration publicGameObject(stringname, params Type[]components); Parameters nameThe name of theGameObject, specified as a string. The name is stored in thenameproperty of the GameObject. componentsThe components to attach, specified as an array of types that inherit ...
SetActive激活/停用此 GameObject。 Inherited members Variables hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? name对象的名称。 Public Functions GetInstanceID返回对象的实例 ID。 ToString返回 GameObject 的名称。
You can add or remove components at runtime, which can be useful for procedurally creating GameObjects, or modifying how a GameObject behaves. Note, you can alsoenableordisablescript components, and some types of built-in component, via script without destroying them. ...
新人问一下如果做MC这类沙盒游戏,一个方块一个gameobject会不会很难优化 莲爆啊兔桑 Unitor 1 不会,会直接无法优化,这个涉及到drawcall与批次问题。就算是mc也不是这个实现路径。你试一下立马就出结论了 游鱼向左_ Script 11 本来就不是一个格子一个,而是大部分的都合并成一个了 绿意盎然 Animator 9 ...
我先挂载到gameobject,再拖到onClick里,还是没有脚本里的函数诶?请问是什么原因。 preist2 默默无闻 1 我试验过了, 似乎是这样的, 如果你自定义的函数, 有超过1个参数的话, 在 onclick里就看不到了. 无参数的函数可以看到, 1个参数的也可以看到, 但2个参数就看不到了. 另外, 如果参数是数组类型, 也...
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1151505213129540} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 48fb9c66a154844a495af53fc97a7656, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} ...
This article is about how to detect mouse click or touch on a GameObject using C# Script in Unity Prerequisites Unity Environment version 2018.4.25f1 Create the project I pressed ctrl + s to save this scene Create the Script Add a new C# Script, Right-click on Assets....
Not every GameObject is going to stick around forever. Discover how to both produce and demolish those extraneous sprites here.
World Acceleration Scale---与World Velocity Scale共同组成布料的GameObject.transfrom的运动会对物理模拟造成的影响比例.Friction---当布料碰到在这个列表中存在的Collider时所产生的摩擦力, 这只会影响布料的模拟. 上面说过了布料的物理模拟是单向的.Collision Mass Scale---How much to increase mass of colliding ...