class in UnityEditor.Presets/继承自:EditorWindow描述 此类会实现从项目中选择 Preset 资源的模态窗口。静态函数 DrawPresetButton 绘制一个 Preset 按钮,此按钮将使用目标资源打开默认 PresetSelector。 ShowSelector Opens a modal window to select a Preset....
指定一个 Selectable UI GameObject,在按下上箭头键时突出显示。 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; // Required when Using UI elements.public class HighlightOnKey : MonoBehaviour { public Button btnSave; public Button btnLoad; public void Start() { // get the Navi...
theInputField.onEndEdit.AddListener(delegate { IsSelected(false); }); private void IsSelected(bool isSelected) { if (isSelected == false) { EventSystem theSystem = EventSystem.current; if (!theSystem.alreadySelecting) { theSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(null...
Notes: Enabling gizmos prevents the issue. The issue is reproducible with any UI GameObject. The issue does not affect other GameObjects.Resolution Note (2020.2.X): UGUI elements are not normal renderers. You must have gizmos enabled to be interact with UGUI elements.Log...
在上面的 ExecuteEvents.deselectHandler 实现代码中,我们看到了熟悉的 OnDeselect ,我们的错误调用就是由这里直接发起的,本质上来讲它会在Unity MonoBehavior...SetSelectedGameObject(),这个方法用于触发激活/非激活 GameObject的选中状态; SetSelectedGameObject中会执行我们UGUIEventListener的OnSelect...和OnDeselect这两...
UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Unity.IO.LowLevel UnityEditor.Profiling.Memory Other GridBrushBase.Select public void Select (GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, BoundsInt position); 参数 grid 用于布局的 Grid。 brushTarget 绘制操作的目标。默认为当前选择的 GameObject。 position 要选择的区域...
指定一个 Selectable UI GameObject,在按下下箭头键时突出显示。 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; // Required when Using UI elements.public class HighlightOnKey : MonoBehaviour { public Button btnSave; public Button btnLoad; public void Start() { // get the Navi...
class in UnityEditor.Presets/继承自:EditorWindow描述 此类会实现从项目中选择 Preset 资源的模态窗口。静态函数 DrawPresetButton 绘制一个 Preset 按钮,此按钮将使用目标资源打开默认 PresetSelector。 ShowSelector 打开一个用于选择 Preset 的模态窗口。
class in UnityEditor.Presets/继承自:EditorWindow描述 此类会实现从项目中选择 Preset 资源的模态窗口。静态函数 DrawPresetButton 绘制一个 Preset 按钮,此按钮将使用目标资源打开默认 PresetSelector。 ShowSelector 打开一个用于选择 Preset 的模态窗口。
MessageListener.listenerTypes MessageListener.AddTo(GameObject) MessageListener.AddTo(Type, GameObject) MonoBehaviour.IsInvoking() MonoBehaviour.CancelInvoke() Namespace: Unity.VisualScriptingSyntax[AddComponentMenu("")] public sealed class UnityOnDeselectMessageListener : MessageListener...