我们创建一个C#脚本然后做点修改: [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "##创建Scriptable Obj时候默认的名字",menuName = "##右键菜单里的路径,比如Make a Bullet/Bullet")]//方便从菜单快速创建子弹副本publicclassBullets:ScriptableObject{publicfloatbulletSpeedpublicfloatdamagepublicintlifeSpanpublicBulletTypebulletType} ...
来自Unity官方开发者电子书《Create modular game architecture in unity with scriptableobjects》 前言 在unity官方文档的 Advanced best practice guides 中,提供了多本电子书,其中都包含许多有价值的信息。 本文将《Create modular game architecture in unity with scriptableobjects》翻译为中文版本供有需要的小伙伴参考...
写一个Scriptable Object案例: using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; //在Creat菜单创建一个名为Item的条目(可以在资源文件夹下右键创建脚本化对象Item了) [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Item")] //继承自ScriptableObject而非MonoBehaviour,如此不能直接挂载到游戏对象上,得...
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName ="TestObject", menuName ="ScritableObjects/TestObject")] publicclassTestObject:ScriptableObject { publicstringMyString; } 此时我们可以批量创建多个类型相同,但是内容不同的 scriptable object, 用于记录数据(用来记录grid大小以及特点),也可以用来制作编辑器工具(如 URP 资源文件)。 ...
using UnityEngine; [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Data", menuName = "ScriptableObjects/SpawnManagerScriptableObject", order = 1)] public class SpawnManagerScriptableObject : ScriptableObject { public string prefabName; public int numberOfPrefabsToCreate; public Vector3[] spawnPoints; } ...
MRTK-Unity 是由 Microsoft 所推動的專案,其提供一組元件與功能,可用來加快 Unity 中的跨平台 MR 應用程式開發。 您將使用此 MRTK,在場景中快速建立與風力發電機的3D 模型之間的沉浸式互動。 尤其是,在此專案中,我們將會使用Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI命名空間的下列 MRTK 物件類別:...
Add to Structure as you go As you’re building a scriptable object and create few instances of it and realize ,ohh I need a new setting for ‘moveSpeed’ or whatever additional variable you need you can add, it won’t disrupt your variable. ...
// Step 1 - Create or reload the assets that store each VehicleTypeInfo object. VehicleTypeInfo wagon =AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<VehicleTypeInfo>("Assets/VehicleTypeWagon.asset"); if (wagon == null) { // Create and saveScriptableObjectbecause it doesn't exist yet wagon =ScriptableObject.Cr...
默认是支持使用Scriptable Object进行配置的版本,视频中有展示如何使用git回退到最初的简单版本。代码很简单,添加了注释,很简单就能看懂。如有帮助,麻烦给个三连,谢谢~ gitee地址: https://gitee.com/stdio_o/unity-bottom-bar科技 计算机技术 游戏开发 C# 编程 教程 unity ...
The first thing I do is right-click in the Project window to create a new C# script called EnemyAI. To assign this script to an object, I simply drag the script file from the project view to the object in the Scene view or the Hierarchy and the code is assigned to the...