1. Using either the GameObject dropdown or right-clicking in the Hierarchy window, selectUI>TextMesh Pro - Text. 2. The first time you use TextMesh Pro (TMP) in a project, Unity will offer to import the TMP Essentials and Examples & Extras packages (if you haven’t already imported th...
The Unity Web platform supports cursor locking, which uses the HTML5 APIElement.requestPointerLock. Use cursor lock to lock the mouse cursor to the center of the game window. When the cursor is locked, it appears hidden in Unity and doesn’t move when the mouse moves. This is particularly...
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class FPS_PlayerInput : MonoBehaviour { /// /// 锁定鼠标属性 /// public bool LockCursor { get { //如果鼠标是处于锁定状态,返回true return Cursor.lockState == CursorLockMode.Locked ? true : false; } set...
Cursor.visible = value; Cursor.lockState = value ? CursorLockMode.Locked : CursorLockMode.None; } }3.2 输入和输入参数 的引用 实例化private FPS_PlayerParameter parameter; private FPS_Input input; private void Start() { //开启取消光标 LookCursor = true; parameter = this.GetComponent<FPS_Player...
Editor Scripting can help you customize and extend the Unity editor to make it easier to use on your projects. This tutorial covers the basics of editor scripting, including building custom inspectors, gizmos, and other Editor windows.
public class HideLockCursorA : MonoBehaviour { void Start () { Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; Cursor.visible = false; } void Update () { Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; Cursor.visible = false; } } I hope this can help others!
将拖拽事件的点从世界坐标系转换为相对viewRect坐标系的点赋值给m_PointerStartLocalCursor, 将m_Content.anchoredPosition赋值给m_ContentStartPosition, 设置m_Dragging为true。 9)OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData): void IEndDragHandler接口中的回调,内容完成拖动后调用。
Linux: Fixed second cursor appearing when toggling between hardware and software cursor modes on Standalone player. (UUM-1594) macOS: Fixed duplicated keys in Input.inputString. (UUM-16427) Package Manager: Fixed an issue where .unitypackage dependencies exported from an older editor were not up...
CursorLockMode Enum UnityEngine added 5.0.0 DynamicGI Class UnityEngine added 5.0.0 Effector2D Class UnityEngine added 5.0.0 EffectorForceMode2D Enum UnityEngine added 5.0.0 EffectorSelection2D Enum UnityEngine added 5.0.0 EllipsoidParticleEmitter Class UnityEngine added 5.0.0 FlareLayer Class UnityEn...
If it detects mouse movement, it shows the cursor, and it does not keep a UI element focused since this isn't needed for mouse selection. If you want to ensure that a UI element is focused even in mouse mode, tick Always Auto Focus.Does the Dialogue System support Unity's new Input ...