现在设备的分辨率五花八门, 我们不可能对每种不同的尺寸单独设计一套UI, 所以需要一套比较通用的适配方案来满足大部分设备的需求. 一些基本的术语 设计分辨率(引用分辨率): 我们会定义一个叫做设计分辨率的尺寸(Unity中叫引用分辨率), 美术会基于该分辨率来设计UI, 然后通过程序适配到游戏世界中, 适应各种不同的真实...
unity场景物体坐标转ui坐标 unity坐标系 一.左手坐标系和右手坐标系 1.左手坐标系: 伸开我们的左手, 掌心向外, 大拇指与食指成90度, 中指、无名指和小指弯曲, 大拇指指向的方向就是X轴正方向, 食指指向的方向就是Y轴正方向, 中指、无名指和小指指向的方向就是Z轴正方向。 2.右手坐标系: 伸开我们的右手, ...
UI Toolkit有一个强大的layout系统,根据每一个Visual Element里名为style的property,就能自动计算出每个Element的位置和size,后面还会详细提到Layout Engine. UI Toolkit有两种坐标(coordinates): Relative:基于element被计算好的position的相对坐标(Coordinates relative to the element’s calculated position.),也就是说,e...
// Must call geolocation on the UI thread, there's a UI piece to be shown. UnityEngine.WSA.Application.InvokeOnUIThread( async () => { var locator = new Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geolocator(); var position = await locator.GetGeopositionAsync(); Debug.Log(str...
World Space 把物体当作世界座标中的平面(GameObject),也就是当作3D物件,显示3D UI 1.Event Camera:处理UI事件(Click、Drag)的Camera,所设定的Camera才能触发事件 参考资料 Unity – Manual: Canvas http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-Canvas.html
想要使UI控件在屏幕中达到正确的显示效果,比如自适应屏幕尺寸、固定边距等等,首先要理清楚几个基本概念和设置:锚点(anchor)、中心点(pivot)、位置(position)、UI缩放模式、父物件的transform设置。 1. Anchor、Pivot与Position 1.1 Anchor anchor可以理解为是该控件所在的平面坐标系原点,在屏幕缩放或者形变的过程中,控件...
its front door (assuming it’s a child game object of the house) might be only (1.5, 0, 0), as that’s relative to the parent. In code, when you reference transform.position, it’s always in world coordinates, even if it’s a child object. In the example, the door would be (...
GetChild Returns a transform child by index. GetLocalPositionAndRotation Gets the position and rotation of the Transform component in local space (that is, relative to its parent transform). GetPositionAndRotation Gets the position and rotation of the Transform component in world space. GetSiblingInd...
The auto layout system is based on a concept of layout elements and layout controllers. A layout element is an Game Object with... Canvas The Canvas is the area that all UI elements should be inside. The Canvas is a Game Object with a Canvas component on it, and al... Canvas Group ...
// Create a local anchor, perhaps by hit-testing and spawning an object within the sceneVector3 hitPosition =newVector3();#ifUNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOSVector2 screenCenter =newVector2(0.5f,0.5f); List<ARRaycastHit> aRRaycastHits =newList<ARRaycastHit>();if(arRaycastManager.Raycast(screen...