Get the Unity Project Root Path. C++ public:staticSystem::String ^ GetProjectPath(); Returns String The full path to the project's root. Applies to 产品版本 MRTK2 Unity 20182.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6.0, 2.7.0 ...
通常需要将此命令与-projectPath参数一起使用。| |-force-d3d11(仅限 Windows)| 使 Editor 使用 Direct3D 11 进行渲染。通常,图形 API 取决于播放器设置(通常默认为 D3D11)。 | |-force-device-index| 使用 Metal 时,通过传递 GPU 设备的索引,让 Editor 使用特定 GPU 设备(仅限 macOS)。| |-force-gfx...
mainTarget= pbxProject.GetUnityMainTargetGuid();//这个对应target中的Unity-iPhoneframeworkTarget = pbxProject.GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid();//这个对应target中UnityFrameworkstring plistPath= xcodeProjectPath +"/Info.plist"; plist=newPlistDocument(); plist.ReadFromString(File.ReadAllText(plistPath));//.....
start /min D:\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe -batchmode -projectPath D:\MyProject\BatchProject -executeMethod MyClass.MyFunc1 Pause taskkill /f /im unity.exe 执行结果 Eidtor日志路径Win7在C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Unity\Editor\Editor.Log echo 为DOS编程中一种显示消息的方法 start DOS编程中用...
folder.3)功能描述Loads an asset stored atpathin a Resources folder.Returns the asset atpathif it can be found otherwise returns null. Only objects oftypewill be returned if this parameter is supplied. Thepathis relative to any Resources folder inside the Assets folder of your project, ...
Now that you’ve seen what projects get created, I’ll explore the folders that trigger these projects and show you what their purposes are. Every folder path assumes it’s underneath the /Assets root folder in your project view. Assets is always the root folder and contains all of your ...
//ProjectPackageEditor.BuildByJenkins(GetJenkinsParameter("Platform"), GetJenkinsParameter("AppID"), GetJenkinsParameter("Version"), GetJenkinsParameter("IPAddress")); Debug.Log("Starting Build!"); string appurl = path + "/依盖之书_" + buildOption + "_" + ver + ".exe"; ...
We've prepared a complete Unity project for you to assist with this learning path. Download the code from the GitHub repository and extract the Zip file to your destination Unity project path of choice.To build Mixed Reality solutions in Unity, you'll require a number of different development...
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(string.Format("{0}{1}.prefab", projectPath,, this.meshGO); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); 主要通过,AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath的泛型方法来记载obj模型文件里的Mesh对象。然后动态创建一个Prefab这里需要注意Refresh一下,才能正确保存Mesh对象到Prefab上。