The Dropdown control has simple logic to prevent that the dropdown is displayed outside the bounds of the Canvas, since this would make it impossible to select certain options. If the dropdown at its default position is not fully within the Canvas rectangle, its position in relation to the ...
public class UIDropdownMenu : BaseForms { public delegate void DropdownMenuItemClickCallback(UIDropdownMenuData data); private DropdownMenuItemClickCallback m_selectItemCallback = null; // 选择子类回调执行 public Text txtFold; // 选中显示 public Text txtDesc; // 选中显示 private CustomButton ...
Select Preset Window Dropdown Menu animation freezes or stops repainting before animation is complete -- - Mar 01, 2024 *Steps to reproduce:* 1. Open or create any Project 2. Create a Cube GO in the Hierarchy and open the "Select Preset" Menu from the Insp...
Project: All the files in your project. You can drag and drop from Explorer into Unity to add files to your project. Scene: The currently open scene. Hierarchy: All the game objects in the scene. Note the use of the term GameObjects and the GameObjects dropdown menu. Ins...
The template can be setup in many different ways. The setup used by the GameObject > UI > Dropdown menu item includes a scroll view, such that if there are too many options to show at once, a scrollbar will appear and the user can scroll through the options. This is however not a ...
dropdown下拉列表或菜单 helpbox用于显示帮助信息的框 input_field用于输入文本或数值的字段 label编辑器 UI 中的文本标签 object_field用于对象值的字段。例如,游戏对象或资源的属性值。 popup弹出菜单和其他弹出控件 preview用于显示预览的视图。例如,网格和纹理等资源的预览。
通过在Inspector面板中修改AnimType,启用相应的Button动效(使用Dotween,可自行在脚本中修改)。 重写的UGUI Toggle组件: 通过在Inspector面板中修改AudioType播放对应的Toggle点击音效(需注册对应的音效播放事件)。 重写的UGUI Dropdown组件: 通过在Inspector面板中修改AudioPressType和AudioSelectType,播放对应的点击及选中音效...
Selecting Show Preview Packages from the Advanced menu dropdown in the Package Manager Window. 3.在搜索字段中输入“terrain”以搜索Terrain Tools,然后选中Terrain Tools预览包,再选择“Install”按钮。 选择要展开的图像 Installing the Terrain Tools package in the Package Manager window. ...
12、DropdownButton:下拉框 DropdownButton可能大家不了解,也许会用不到,它的效果跟EnumPopup,不过EnumPopup是基于枚举类,序列化出来的,而DropdownButton是根据自定义添加子项。 13、EditorGUILayout.ObjectField 序列化Object物体 EditorGUILayout.ObjectField组件是用于显示一些针对继承UnityEngine.Object类的相关组件,比如Gam...
Create a 3D cube GameObject (menu: GameObject > 3D Object > Cube). Dropdown The Dropdown control is designed to have a child GameObject which serves as a template for the dropdown list that is shown when... Event Trigger Note that attaching an Event Trigger component to a GameObject will...