By default, array or list script variables are presented with a UI control that allows array element reordering via drag handles to the left of element content. You can use [NonReorderable] attribute on a script array or list variable to disable this. When reordering is disabled, the Inspecto...
if (GUILayout.Button(EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent("_Help", "使用说明"), GUIStyle.none)) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("使用说明", "1.打开UI界面预制体.\n2.右键节点'[Add/Remove] UI Variable'添加/移除变量.\n3.在Inspector面板点击Generate Script生成代码.", "OK"); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } 1....
diagnostics specific to Unity. We've also made the IDE smarter by suppressing general C# diagnostics that don't apply to Unity projects. For example, the IDE won't show a quick-fix to change an inspector variable to readonly which would prevent you from modifying the variable in the Unity...
GraphicsAPIConstraintAttribute Enable or disable shader keyword filter attributes based on the graphics API. GraphicsSettingsInspectorUtility Utility class for GraphicsSettings page. GraphView Main GraphView class. GraphViewBlackboardWindow The base class for a floating window that contains a Blackboard. ...
A light's color and intensity (brightness) are properties you can set from the inspector. The default intensity and white color... Using the Animation view When you begin to animate various properties within this clip, the animated properties will appear here. If the animation contr... Using...
右键单击橙色START节点并选择创建子节点。点击子节点,在Inspector面板的Dialogue Text输入“Hello.”字段 右键单击灰色节点(“Hello.”),选择Create Child Node创建子节点,再次输入"Good Bye." 灰色节点是NPC说的,蓝色节点是玩家说的。你的谈话应如下所示
将事件暴露在Unity Inspector中快速调试: 3.4 Variable Manager:变量管理器。在此添加删除以及编辑FSM里所需要使用的变量。 3.4.1:快速查找变量。 3.4.2:变量名。 3.4.3:变量所使用的次数。 3.4.4:变量类型,可以实时更改,点开按钮会弹出下拉菜单,选择所需要的类型即可。当前PM所能使用的变量类型如下所示 ...
右键单击橙色START节点并选择创建子节点。点击子节点,在Inspector面板的Dialogue Text输入“Hello.”字段 右键单击灰色节点("Hello."),选择Create Child Node创建子节点,再次输入"Good Bye." 灰色节点是NPC说的,蓝色节点是玩家说的。你的谈话应如下所示
[InspectorButton("funcToBeCalled",100)] public char myButton; You can also specify a custom text for your button (by default, it takes button name from the variable name below it [the aforementioned variable will still be required in the script regardless of if we use this]): [InspectorBu...
Performance: Inspector UI now loads much faster for large models in the Editor. Misc: Adjusted file structure layout to comply with Unity Package guidelines. Importer: Bumped .nn & .onnx importer version numbers. Misc: Removed ONNX python tools and docker wrapper from the Barracuda distribution....