错误:UnassignedReferenceException: The variable XXXX of XXXXX has not been assigned. 解决:脚本中写明该变量为public,而在Inspector窗口中却未给其赋值,在Inspector窗口赋值即可。 场景不能加载问题 错误:Scene ‘WhacAMole’ couldn’t be loaded because it has not been added to the build settings or the...
2D)="white"{}_Color("Main texture Tint",Color)=(1,1,1,1)[Header(General Settings)][MaterialToggle]_OutlineEnabled("Outline Enabled",Float)=1[MaterialToggle]_ConnectedAlpha("Connected Alpha",Float)=0[HideInInspector]_AlphaThreshold("Alpha clean",Range(0,1))=0_Thickness("Width (Max recomm...
把MyEnemySight和MyChasing里的变量如图设置 我第一次用这个插件 我不知道怎么确定是Task给Variable赋值还是Variable给Task赋值 从Inspector面板上看没有区别 还有Variables里的LastPlayerSighting变量有没有成功被MyEnemySight里的变量 Variable面板上并没有变化啊 最后也没有成功求大手子解答解惑 XAKJOLFT Prefab 5 1 ...
Conversely, you can use HideInInspector to prevent a public variable from being displayed in the Inspector.Unity 实际上允许您在游戏运行时更改脚本变量的值。此功能很有用,无需停止和重新启动即可直接查看更改的效果。当游戏运行过程结束时,变量的值将重置为按下 Play 之前所处的任何值。这样可确保自由调整...
只有public field才可进入Inspector窗口, 该功能可用[NonSerialized]特性屏蔽 和Inspector窗口关联的public field重命名后Inspector中编辑的值会丢失! Be aware that any value adjusted in theInspectorwill override the original value given to a variable within the script. It will not rewrite the value stated ...
只有public field才可进入Inspector窗口, 该功能可用[NonSerialized]特性屏蔽 和Inspector窗口关联的public field重命名后Inspector中编辑的值会丢失! Be aware that any value adjusted in the Inspector will override the original value given to a variable within the script. It will not rewrite the value stated...
When your script inherits from MonoBehaviour, you can include properties and values in your script which you can then edit from the Editor Inspector, like you can with any other component.The example code below declares a public variable called myName. When you place this script on a ...
class in UnityEngine 描述 使变量不显示在 Inspector 中,但进行序列化。 using UnityEngine; public class Example :MonoBehaviour{ // Make the variable p not show up in the inspector // but be serialized. [HideInInspector] int p = 5; }
publicclassStarInspector : Editor {} 到目前为止,我们没有改变Star的编辑器。我们需要替换默认的编辑器。我们可以通过重载Editor 类的OnInspectorGUI事件来实现。 1 2 3 4 5 6 usingUnityEditor; usingUnityEngine; [CustomEditor(typeof(Star))] public...