In the Texture Inspector change the Texture Type to Cookie Enable Alpha From Grayscale (this way you can make a grayscale cookie and Unity converts it to an alpha map automatically)Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this pageHow...
Animation Clip Inspector The Animation Clip Editor settings (Root Transform Rotation,Root Transform Position (Y)andRoot Transform Position (XZ)) let you control the Root Transform projection from the Body Transform. Depending on these settings some parts of the Body Transform may be transferred to Ro...
Cocos2D is a great framework, but sometimes it’s handy to implement some of your game with UIKit. For example, it’s often useful to design your main menu, settings pages, and the like with UIKit and just use Cocos2D for your main game logic. You also m
As we've seen before, these properties will show up in the Inspector if you select a material that is using this shader. For more information on Properties and how to create them, check out For this example, we don't need the ...
Runkeeper, a GPS app like the one you’re about to make, has over 40 million users! This tutorial will show you how to make an app like Runkeeper.
static void Load(UnityModManager.ModEntry modEntry) { // Something } // Send a response to the mod manager about the launch status, success or not. static bool Load(UnityModManager.ModEntry modEntry) { // Something return true; // If false the mod will show an error. ...
Note: This tutorial has been updated and you can access it here. Publishing for iOS is a bit different than publishing for platforms such as Windows or macOS. Due to restrictions in access to development tools, Unity can only create an Xcode project for
Note: The Unity Editor will generally always show a larger memory footprint due to additional objects that are loaded from the Editor and Profiler. It may even show Asset Memory that would not be loaded into memory in a build, such as from Asset Bundles (depending on the Addressables simula...
using UnityEngine; using Rewired; public MyClass : MonoBehaviour { void Awake() {// Subscribe to eventsReInput.ControllerConnectedEvent += OnControllerConnected; ReInput.ControllerDisconnectedEvent += OnControllerDisconnected; ReInput.ControllerPreDisconnectEvent += OnControllerPreDisconnect; ...
Again, the inspector allows setting this up without having to deal with paths directly... wait for any button to be pressed on any device?///TODO: this needs work One way is to use actions.var myAction = new InputAction(binding: "/*/"); myAction.onPerformed += (action, control...