How to detect mouse clicks on a Collider or GUI element. This tutorial is included in the Beginner Scripting project. Previous: GetAxis Next: GetComponent
var clickDetected : boolean;var touchPosition : Vector3; // Detect click and calculate touch positionif (isTouchDevice) {clickDetected = (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began);touchPosition = Input.GetTouch(0).position;} else {clickDetected = (Input.GetMous...
usingUnityEngine;usingUnityEngine.AI;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;publicclassSlimeController:MonoBehaviour{publicenumAIState { Idle, Running }publicAIState currentState = AIState.Idle;publicintawarenessArea = 15;//How far the deer should detect the enemypublicboolisdead = false;publicfloatrunningSpeed...
The script was created with legacy Input Manager. It can simply get your mouse state when it is on edge of the screen. The “GetMouseEdgeState” method can return Top, Down, Left, Right, Top Left, Top Right, Down Left, and Down Right state. It also returns an unknown state when the...
Left-click in the center of the Main Camera and use your mouse to drag-rotate it around. Note that the Inspector’s Transform\Rotation properties change as you rotate the object. Note that you can manually edit these values in the Inspector if you’d like. ...
RaycastHit hitInfo;if(Physics.Raycast(ray,outhitInfo)){//划出射线,只有在scene视图中才能看到Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin,hitInfo.point); GameObject gameObj=hitInfo.collider.gameObject; Debug.Log("click object name is";//当射线碰撞目标为boot类型的物品,执行拾取操作if(gameObj.tag =...
Click on the Main Camera in the Scene Hierarchy and look at the Inspector. It will not be empty now; instead, it will have a series of “modules” in it.The most important component for any GameObject is its Transform component. Any object that exists in a scene will have a transform,...
ゲームエンジン用の SDK である ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity と ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine が、それぞれ 6 月と 7 月に米国 Esri 社からリリースされました。 2019 年から SDK の開発が始まり、 2021
private ButtonClickedEvent m_OnClick = new ButtonClickedEvent(); protected Button() {} /// <summary> /// UnityEvent that is triggered when the button is pressed. /// Note: Triggered on MouseUp after MouseDown on the same object.
/// //Detect if a click occurs /// public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData pointerEventData) /// /// //Use this to tell when the user right-clicks on the Button /// if (pointerEventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Right) ...