Collisions require collider components on both game objects and at least one object has to have a RigidBody component, unless it’s a trigger. If I want Unity to call my code when this collision instance first happens, I simply add the following code to a game ...
For this example, I’m going to move the object a little bit every frame so I have exact control over where it moves. If you’d rather not adjust every frame, there are libraries to do single function call movements, such as the freely available iTween library. The first thing I do ...
Collisions require collider components on both game objects and at least one object has to have a RigidBody component, unless it’s a trigger. If I want Unity to call my code when this collision instance first happens, I simply add the following code to a game object via a script ...
Support Make Object ID in the debugger. Support breakpoint hit count in the debugger. Support break-on-exception in the debugger (Experimental. See Options Dialog). Support creation of objects and arrays when evaluating expressions in the debugger. Support null comparison when evaluation expressions ...
If it re... Debugging DirectX 12 shaders with PIX Create a 3D cube GameObject (menu: GameObject > 3D Object > Cube). Dropdown The Dropdown control is designed to have a child GameObject which serves as a template for the dropdown list that is shown when... Event Trigger Note that ...
GetMaterials Returns all the instantiated materials of this object. GetPropertyBlock Get per-Renderer or per-Material property block. GetSharedMaterials Returns all the shared materials of this object. HasPropertyBlock Returns true if the Renderer has a material property block attached via SetProperty...
Log($"Alpaca's level has changed {levelNext}!")); } public void Tick(float dt) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) { levelObserver.Release(); } }💬 How to add comparers? In order to check values, comparers are provided. If you want to check custom type you need a custom ...
UseDefaultConstructor— If True, the injection occurs each time the default constructor is called (from new()). The second case, when your factory class does NOT inherit from EasyJection.Types.IFactory interface: public class MyCustomFactory { /// Creates an instance of an object of the type...
First, attach the textContent component to the text object and make the text object a child of the Label Canvas. Next, add the lineRender component to the bbox object and give it a new material with an Unlit/Color shader. Lastly, we call the SetObjectInfo()method to updat...
;// Only show the armor progress bar if all the objects have the same armor value:if(!armorProp.hasMultipleDifferentValues)ProgressBar(armorProp.intValue/100.0f,"Armor");EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(gunProp,newGUIContent("Gun Object"));// Apply changes to the serializedProperty - always do ...