此时可以通过 Slider 组件的 Value 值来修改其填充的大小(如下图箭头所指的是 Value =78 时的填充状态)。 【注】:Min Value 是Value值的最小值;Max Value (5)、在Image 下添加 Image03,并在Source Image 中添加一个圆环,如下图。 (6)、在Image 下添加 Text ,将其重新命名为 ShowScore ,调整其字体大小...
Image Leave feedback TheImagecontrol displays a non-interactive image to the user. You can use this for purposes such as decorations or icons, and you can change the image from a script to reflect changes in other controls. The control is similar to theRaw ImageA Visual UI Component that ...
1、场景面板(Scene):上图最左侧上半部分,该面板为Unity3D的编辑面板,用于将所需要的模型,灯光以及其他物体对象放置在面板中,构建游戏所需呈现的画面。 2、游戏面板(Game):上图最左侧下半部分,该面板显示的是游戏运行时的画面,即玩家直接看到的画面,可以根据游戏面板的效果在场景面板进行相应的调整。 3、层次面板(...
OnWaypointChange(TweenCallback callback) //设置一个回调,该回调将在当前路径之间的路径更改时触发。这是一个特殊的回调,与其他回调相反,需要接受一个类型的参数。int(这将是新更改的路点索引)。 void Start() { transform.DOPath(waypoints, 1).OnWaypointChange(MyCallback); ...
InputField input = this.GetComponent<InputField>();//组件Input.text = "123"//更改字符串内容//通过事件的方式input.OnvalueChaged.AddListener((str)=>{//字符改变时})//触发事件public void changeInput(string str){//字符改变时}public void EndInput(string str){//结束输入时} ...
rubyController.ChangeHealth(1); Destroy(gameObject); // 销毁当前游戏对象 } } } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 敌人的开发 如果想要放大一张有很多个图形组成的精灵资源,直接放大会变形,则需要将 SpriteRenderer 组件中 DrawMode 设置成 Tiled(平...
usingUnityEditor;publicclassImageImporter:AssetPostprocessor{publicvoidOnPreprocessTexture(){TextureImportertextureImporter=(TextureImporter)assetImporter;if(textureImporter==null)return;UnityEngine.Debug.Log("change image import setting");TextureImporterPlatformSettingssettings=newTextureImporterPlatformSettings();set...
Use the Package Manager preferences to change the default cache location for the following packages:Packages installed from the Unity Registry Packages downloaded from the Asset StorePackage Manager on the Preferences window 属性功能 包 Set the cache location that determines where packages installed ...
Change your character's material's shader to "SimpleURPToonLitExample(With Outline)" make sure at least _BaseMap(albedo) is assigned setup DONE, you can now test your character with light probe/directional light/point light/spot light edit the material properties to see how the render result ...
The recommended solution is to copy the image to persistentDataPath because otherwise, the source image can be deleted by the user from Gallery, deleted by the operating system to free up space or overwritten by NativeGallery in the next PickImage call (if NativeGallery can't determine the ...